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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
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Will Your Mobile Finally Be Cleared for Takeoff?

Arianna Huffington will be pleased. The outspoken media mogul has often discussed her borderline addiction to her four BlackBerry smartphones (although no one seems to


Run Your Small Business Using Smartphones

Running a small business requires a lot of time, effort and money. If business owners want to succeed they should be determined in pursuing their


Why You Need A User Defined Network In The Cloud

The ability to establish and access multiple sub networks is not just a cloud away. Imagine that at the most critical time of need, all


How to Print Black and White Efficiently and Cost Effectively

Second only to perfume, printer ink is the most expensive liquid in the world. It makes sense then- for both businesses and individuals- to seek


Square Makes Changes to Win the Hearts of More Business Owners

If you run a business of any size, then it’s likely you’ve heard of Square. However, it’s probably not as likely that you’ve made use


Top Tips To Getting The Right Server

A server is a fundamental prerequisite of a network of computers and, in the modern world, the right selection can make or break a business’s


A Comprehensive Guide To Webcasting

“Webcasting” may be defined a simple presentation of an event or a happening or a meeting done over the internet. In simpler terms, it means


Top 5 Video Editing Tools That You Ought To Try Out

No matter how great a video camera you have, or how talented you’re at using it, your raw video will be not be so great,


Disarming the Disaster: The Value of Cloud Backup

No one wants a disaster. They are pretty difficult to prevent however. But you can make a disaster, well, less disastrous with careful planning and


Latest Technologies Transforming Business World

Technology has certainly advanced drastically for the past decade or two and keeps improving with the researchers and developers coming up with a new technology