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Articles By This Author


Survival of the Comet ISON-The Most Interesting Science of This Century

Last Thursday it was identified as declared on twitter by the European Science Agency that comet ISON is dead. ISON is a comet with a


World Renew Program Aims at Minimum Primary Literacy for all in “Giving Tuesday”

November 29, 2013 is Black Friday all over in USA. Another important event is on December 3 rd, 2013, the coming Tuesday when a group


South Carolina Parents Eradicate Children From School For Protesting Common Core

A dispute in South Carolina is supplementing fuel to the flare in the conflict to the contentious Common Center State Standards, as localized parents make


Parenting: Problems Faced And How To Be A Good Parent

Why does it become so difficult to raise a child? The answer lies within you as a parent. It is the parent’s duty to help

Online Schools

Know The US Top Online Colleges Avail Education While Working

The colleges mentioned here give you the freedom of multitasking. You wish to expand your knowledge and still have time for your other important but


What Is The Best Way To Study Online: Time Management?

Nowadays, life is so fast that 24 hours also seems to be less. People want to earn and learn at the same time and this


Pearson, World’s Largest Education Company

• Pearson selling The MergerMarket: Pearson, the world’s largest education company, has sold the leading provider of global corporate news, The MergerMarket Group, to BC


Building Multiplayer Gaming Apps

Once, playing computer games was the territory of the lonely PC geek, holed up in their bedrooms, chasing pixels around a screen until 3am every


OmniFocus 2 for iPhone: Faster and Easier to Manage Tasks

OmniFocus 2 is an iPhone app that offers smart task management suite. It is going to make it easier, faster and clearer to manage your

SEO Technology

SEO and Its Impact On Hosting Services

In the world of web development, search engine optimization now plays a vital role. Search engine optimization or SEO is a collection of techniques that