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Most of us have come across the CRM acronym, but few of us know what it actually means. CRM, or customer relationship management, is a complex of strategies, practices and technologies that businesses use for a better company-to-client experience. This includes:

  • channels and ways of customer interaction;
  • careful analysis of the customer’s lifecycle;
  • overall improvement of relationshipswith your clientele, that has a positive impact on your company’s performance.

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CRM systems work well for both startups and large conglomerates that have to deal with large amount of information on a daily business. In fact, smart CRM helps companies to avoid many business-breaking experiences.

The tough world of business gives losers no second chances. As statistics show, the overwhelming majority of clients abandon companies, which have stumbled twice in terms of customer experience, while as many as 37% are ready to switch to another company after the first bad experience. This is a striking example of the role that CRM plays in a customer-centric environment.

What does CRM Mean in Marketing?

Marketing is basically all about the art of communicating with your customers. One common mistake that slows down many businesses is the lack of the right marketing strategy. While it is imperative for every marketer to be resourceful and use the technological means at their disposal to the fullest potential, a sophisticated CRM automation can make their life much easier. Nowadays, consumers have shut off the traditional world of marketing. While door-to-door marketing, along with television and magazine advertising, has outlived itself long time ago, content and e-mail marketing rank top on the list. Content marketing, which is an approach that is mainly focused on producing valuable and relevant content to attract and retain customers, is used by 83% of business-to-business marketers. E-mail marketing, on the other hand, is preferred by a whopping 97% of employers due to its availability and user-friendliness. Since clients become more and more adept at online surfing, network and mobile marketing are two rapidly growing marketing strategies.

Companies equipped with high-quality CRM systems have the privilege of accessing all available customer data. Marketer can even extract additional customer information from Facebook and Twitter. Personalized trigger campaigns and contact lists have made it possible to drive customer action along with profitability. However, it is crucial to choose the right CRM software which has a neat and well-designed interface and is easy adaptable to your goals. Among all users of CRM, about 44% of business representatives are dissatisfied with their experience, while the overwhelming majority of marketers confess their systems do not work at their best. However, if you opt for the right CRM solution, your customers will ultimately reward you with their trust and loyalty.

What does CRM mean in marketing

What does CRM Mean in Sales?

The first and foremost task of sales reps is to focus on their clients. However, as much as half of them lack productivity when distracted by various technical tasks and constant pressure. As a result, only 33% of all sales representatives manage to meet their deadlines and cope with all their responsibilities. Mobile CRM is a great solution for those who want to optimize their time-management and paperwork, as well as find the right approach to their client. What does mobile CRM mean? It means you can be constantly available to your clients by using tabs and monitoring your deals’ progress, and get access to all of the useful information, such as contracts, data or business presentations in one storage place. A recent study shows that an efficient mobile CRM software doubles the number of salespeople who have met and bet their quotas. Equipped with excellent tools, appropriate CRM systems make your sales cycle as problem-free and possible and lift the additional burden of stress off your shoulders by processing your contracts and invoices in the easiest way possible.

What does CRM Mean in Customer Service?

Technologies have moved away form in-person and letter client communication to online and mobile resources. As a result, businesses have to adapt to the every-changing rules of the game to provide their clientele with the best possible customer experience. For instance, over a third respondents in an opinion poll confessed they would refuse to do business with a company that ignores Facebook and Twitter as an additional channel of communication. CRM software helps business to unify all communication tool at your disposal (helpdesks, in-branch specialists, smartphone and e-mail services, webchat, self-portal) for a brand new omnichannel approach regardless of the touchpoint and customer journey stage. Upgrade your call-centers by giving precise and step-by-step guidelines to your employees for a more satisfying business-to-client experience. As a result, you will not only keep your client happy but also work faster and save time for your other important goals.

As you see, powerful CRM solutions mean the integration of the three pillars of business – sales, marketing and customer support on a single platform. Carefully chosen state-of-the art tools will help you customize your products and strategies, which entail higher profits and better customer loyalty.
