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Having children is a guaranteed way to make us grown-ups truly grow up. All of a sudden, we are no longer the most important person as we become responsible for this tiny being. Keeping our kids safe and healthy should always be the priority of parents and here are some great ways to ensure that your kids are as healthy and happy as possible:

Be Active

Exercise is important for everybody but encouraging our children to be active sets a good example that will stay with them as they grow. Regular activity can reduce the number of colds that children get by up to 50% as the exercise encourages the immune system to circulate the cells that fight infection. Whether they regularly attend gym classes, football or dance lesson or even if you just take weekly walks or go swimming – every activity counts so find something you all find fun as a family. Play equipment is also fantastic at working a wide range of muscles and increasing motor skills and confidence. For Children’s wooden climbing frames, visit

How To Keep Your Kids Healthy

Good Hygiene

Instilling good hygiene from an early age is effective in reducing the risks of stomach bugs and respiratory illnesses being spread. Make sure there are plenty of hand soaps or sanitizers around the house and encourage good hand washing routines after the toilet, before eating and after playing outside. An effective handwashing session should last between 15 and 20 seconds.

Plenty of Rest

Children need lots of rest to help them develop mentally and physically. It can sometimes come as a surprise to us adults that young children need between 10 and 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. When kids get tired they get grouchy, their school work can suffer and they are much more likely to suffer from a lower immune response to viruses.

Balanced Diet

It’s often tricky to get children to eat a good balance of fruit and vegetables but it pays to persevere and even get sneaky. Try disguising veg in other foods such as mashed potato or make a delicious fruit smoothie. Fruit and veg contain essential vitamins and minerals that are vital for health and development. Oranges and broccoli are great for vitamin c, tuna, and cereal for vitamin d and milk, cheese and yogurt for calcium.

How To Keep Your Kids Healthy

Reduce Screen Time

Technology is a good thing, it can educate and be used for fun games but too much can be damaging. Kids need to be active so doing a sedentary activity for too long is detrimental to their health. The blue light that emits from electronic devices also fools the brain into thinking it’s daylight so night time use will affect your child’s ability to settle and get to sleep. If a child is allowed a device in the bedroom then they might be staying up too late, making them tired and inattentive at school.
