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Avid football fans like Jonathan Bunge from Cleveland Ohio love to share their passion for the sport not only via word-of-mouth but by writing posts about it. He loves to write about his views and perspectives of the game. He also shares interesting posts and articles that have been written by others so that his readers can read about them in his blog too.

Jonathan is with the transport industry and his work entails a lot of tours and travels. His posts are sparse because of this. However, once he is back, he loves to write and share interesting posts about his passion football and other interests in life- tattoos and his experiences on the road. Jonathan is one of the best examples of football lovers who inspires others about the amazing game. He says that he is not much of a good writer but loves to share his ideas. However, if you look at his posts, you will find they have been eloquently written in simple language that can be understood by everyone. They are informative as well.

What makes football so popular? Jonathan Bunge says that the sport is fast paced and one of the most beautiful games in the world today. The duration of the game makes it possible for people to leave work and watch it for 90 minutes. He also says that when you are playing or even watching the game, you will find that you are actively involved. The players do not pass the ball to one another- they actually caress the ball. The fans watch the ball minutely and are anxious till a goal is scored or an attack is cut short. The players have amazing coordination and the sequence is like a beautiful musical symphony of Beethoven.

Jonathan says that people have an extreme sense of pride and patriotism for their nation when their favorite team wins a match. This is true for both American and European football. At the same time, successful players are inspiring role models when it comes to style and fashion. Over the decades there has been many people copying their favorite player’s looks and hairstyles. This is a trend and people relate their mirror images to their football icons.

The game of football has simple rules- easy to understand by all. The game is accessible to everyone –you just need a ball to play. You do not have to have an open field- the streets would do instead. Unlike basketball, hockey, cricket and tennis, football does not have complicated infrastructure. You do not need to buy anything. You just need a ball and a few teammates to have an amazing round of football.

Jonathan Bunge says that youth football should be encouraged to kids. They become socially healthy and mentally fit. At the same time, they feel the positive vibes of team spirit- they win together or lose together. Football is indeed an amazing and beautiful sport. It should be played by people of all ages with vigor and pride!
