In order to cook up a host of delicious meals and desserts, a well-equipped and organised kitchen is essential. If everything in your modular kitchen has a place of its own and is easily accessible, cooking will be a breeze. There is nothing like the feeling of reaching out for something and finding it exactly where it’s supposed to be! Here are some ways in which you can ensure this.
- Take Out the Trash
Take an inventory of your kitchen and pantry on a regular basis. Get rid of ingredients and food items that you do not use, expired jars of masala and cocoa. Take stock of all the equipment that you do not use on a regular basis and either donate them or re-cycle them. This applies to the refrigerator and freezer too. A kitchen looks neat when everything is kept away in their place and you have a clear counter-top.
- Group Them Together
Keep everything you need on a regular basis within easy reach. For instance, put all the baking ingredients in one place and spices in another spot. Do the same with the utensils and tools. Keep the frequently used stuff in one section and the rest elsewhere. Arrange dinnerware that is used on a daily basis together and in an easily accessible space. You can store the fancy dinnerware away so they are kept safe.
- Drawer Dividers to the Rescue
How often have you ended up searching for a ladle to stir the curry as it boils? This will be a thing of the past if you start using drawer dividers to separate the spoons from the ladles and the measuring jars from the strainers. You can also have a specific bin for the potatoes and the onions or other vegetables that you don’t need to store in the fridge.
- Arrangement is Key
Placement is very important to ensure maximum efficiency in the kitchen. Frequently used items must be kept in front and on the lower shelves. Less used items can go to the back or higher up. This works in both straight kitchen designs as well as parallel kitchen designs. Also have a dish drainer placed conveniently so all you clean dishes are stacked neatly to dry instead of being placed everywhere else.
- Find the Right Storage
Make use of open baskets to store ketchup bottles, pickle and jam jars. Keep snacks and vegetables in wire baskets so that they are easy to see and know exactly what you need to buy.
- Keep Stock
It is essential to know exactly what you have in your fridge and your kitchen, one of the main reasons for clutter in your kitchen is because you may buy ingredients that you already have over again. This takes up more room in your cabinets and your fridge.
An organised kitchen increases your efficiency many-fold, get this right and you can become the best cook on the block in no time at all!