There are a number of problems a college going student faces. College can be a fun but can also prove to be a tough and challenging time for many. My experience will certainly be different from yours and so each will have a distinct memory of the days spent in college.
Of all the challenges, some are common and at one time or other, every student must undergo them. The list of such problems is as under.
Time Management
You will always have a shortage of time. You thought high school was tough, wait till you have to handle the course load of being in a college. Usually, colleges package the content of two years into one and that can be overwhelming for most of the students.
The credit hours vary. Some may settle for 15 hours whilst others have to squeeze in 18 hours or even 21 credit hours which becomes a hectic job. Buy Coursework Online from coursework writing providers. So yes, to come out on top is a major challenge for students (near to impossible).
It is thus advisable to cut down on the credit hours. For instance, if you cannot manage 18 hours then take the semester at a slower pace. Pick fewer courses and gradually as you learn to handle the pressure, increase your credit hours. It is same as going to the gym. You cannot expect to lift heavy weights if it’s your first day.
Debt breaks your back. This is couldn’t be truer because you only borrow when you have a need. And if you had money you wouldn’t be borrowing in the first place, hence, it’s the payback that takes its toll on you. Student loans to pay tuition can turn into a real nuisance if you don’t have the means to pay it back.
And it is just not the tuition that you (students) have to worry about. For a foreign student, the amount also caters to the apartment rent, food, transportation and the likes thereof. Thus, the debt becomes unmanageable because you are spending more than you can save.
The problem is partially owed to the rising tuition fees. Students, according to one survey are of the opinion that they are having second thoughts as to the completion of their ongoing degrees due to the high cost which they cannot afford let alone obtain a loan.
To curtail this dropout rate is to equip yourself with the full knowledge of repayment options and mechanisms. Students are often scared that loan will break their back whereas student loans are meant as a relief for them. Therefore, lack of knowledge can add to the stress and in turn, problems.
You can consider an on-campus job as a means of earning a running income to meet your routine expenses. Another method is to make a budget of your shopping and eating needs. Place a capping on it and then stick by it. You will see that you will be able to set aside some money for yourself over time.
Students tend to get homesick and it is normal for them to exhibit such trait. According to a study, those students who have their college at a distance of three hours or more from home are likely to feel homesick. For a freshman, the condition is even worse.
The solution lies in visiting home (those living 3-4 hours away from home) and all it takes is a comfortable drive/ride back. Ask your friends and family to call often or email or send gifts to make you feel at home. This is the best cure to your homesickness.
Bond with students over at the campus who may be experiencing similar emotions. This will help as then you will realize that you are not the only one going through such emotions. You can become support for each and even forge lifelong friendships in the long run.
Above are the 3 most common problems that every student who decides to take up college will have to face. But since the cat is out of the bag, you may strengthen your defense mechanisms when you head to or back to college.