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When it comes to protect home and family, no one likes to take any risk. People take every measure to ensure that their things, valuables and properties are away from the devils eyes. A home security camera is one of the most effective and efficient arms to protect home and assets against, robbers, thieves and other burglars. So, here are some of the tips, which will let you how well protected you are with security camera system.

Top Tips To Consider While Installing Security Camera

Top Effective Places to Install Security Camera

Have you selected the places where the security cameras are to be installed? Yes, you need to finalize the place before anything else. Some of the important places are;

Front Door: Almost 80% of burglaries and thefts happen through the front and back door.  This is proven by the FBI itself. Therefore, considering the fact, you need to take a wise step and install one, at least, at the both front door and back door.

Visible Camera: You also have the option to choose whether or not you want to install a hidden or visible security camera. Both have their own advantages. One of the main benefits of installing a visible security camera is, the thief, vandal or burglar definitely think, at least, before venturing into a home.

Hidden Camera: The security camera systems is so advanced and small enough that they can easily be installed secretly. It helps you to catch and capture visuals of thieves or robbers without letting them know. However, it will help you up to some level that too if you know the intruders or robbers personally. Otherwise, the footage will help police to investigate into the matter.

In short, both types of cameras have their advantage and disadvantage. Hence consider installing both hidden and visible security camera system.

Things to Look for While Selecting the Security Camera System

This is where you need to take help of your expert friend. In case, you are aware of the technical issues, then these common things to be lookedat while selecting the security camera system.

Image Quality: The first things you have to look for, the image quality. It entirely depends on the number of pixels. So, choose the right cameras considering the place where you have to install them. High-resolution cameras may cost you a bit, but the security of your assets may be more costly than this. So, don’t compromise with it. Check the quality of the image before selecting the security camera system.

Black and White or Color Security Camera: Mostly it depends on the types of protection you need. In case, you don’t want to go into the details of the image and just want to keep a watch what is going on in your office or home, then black and white can be an alternate option. However, where image matter, the color camera will be helpful as it can capture every details clearly. Remember, during night both color and black & white capture the same quality image. So, go with your choices.

Wireless Security Camera: Most of the people go with wireless security camera system as this is easy to install anywhere. Wired security camera system is a bit lengthier. However, while placing the wireless security camera, you need to keep a few things in mind as follows;

The distance of Security Camera and Router: The security camera should not be too far off from its router. This can cause the lowest image quality.

Connection strength: You have to make sure that there is enough strength as far as connectivity is concerned, and place the router in between the place to maintain the connection smoothly.
