When you pick a path for your career, you’re often tasked with choosing a job that fulfills you spiritually and emotionally or one that fills your pockets with cash. Often, the two choices are not found in one career path, but there are some careers where people can make some cash while performing at a job that they love and has meaning.
At Pharmacy Times, they asked many of their readers what was their biggest job satisfaction. Many pharmacists said they love bonding with their customers. It’s also nice when they build that bond and are trusted to help customers through difficult times. There are pharmacists who work in the hospital as opposed to in a pharmacy outside the hospital. In Australia, there are a variety of positions available in hospitals and the pay is negotiable. Pharmacists can make between $63,918 and $138,122 per year depending on experience and the environment in which they’re working.
Certified Nurse Midwife
As a certified nurse midwife, they do more than help with childbirth. They give regular exams, dispense advice and see women for a variety of ailments. They can also help with care through menopause too. Many women turn to a midwife for their delivery because they want a drug-free childbirth experience. It’s satisfying for the people who focus on this type of calling. The career is growing with more and more people becoming registered nurses with a focus on midwifery. The median salary for a midwife is $78,391 annually according to Payscale.
While many doctors report a high amount of earnings through their practice, surgeons are some of the highest paid. They’re often satisfied with their career choice and believe they’ve found meaningful work in the world. They’re often truly saving lives with the skills they’ve learned and their experience. In Australia, neurological surgeons make approximately $591,444 annually.
Workplace Health & Safety Officer
Health and safety officers are helping to improve and maintain workplace standards so everyone can head to work without worrying about getting hurt. They educate employers and aid employees in keeping owners accountable for the health and safety in the company. Salaries for these professionals starts around $40,138 with more experienced officers commanding a salary of $230,000. Research shows that a growth in this career path with continue into 2019 because of a raise in salary. More women are jumping into this career too.
People who love animals have high job satisfaction when they enter a career that lets them care for other people’s furry and feathered companions. Veterinarians work for the health and welfare of the animals. They often volunteer their time to aid in worthy animal causes too. While it can take years to become a veterinarian, it can be well worth it to someone who loves animals. The median salary of veterinarians is $62,933 in Australia.
One of the most meaningful positions for someone who wants to help others is a psychiatrist. According to Business Insider, 92 percent of those in psychiatry find the job meaningful. They get to help people who are going through tough times and achieve breakthroughs that help them lead better lives. While it can be tough and take years to see improvements in patients, they are willing to spend years working through problems and issues with them, so they can lead happy and healthy lives. Psychiatrists make a median income of $132,795.
When it comes to finding a meaningful career that you can dedicate your life to, it doesn’t mean you have to forego a lucrative career too. Some career paths lead to job satisfaction as well as work that will bring in some cash. It might be tempting to chose easy courses, but hard work creates academic and career benefits. If you choose any of the jobs from above that means you’ll have to study hard, write your homework on a regular basis (here are some homework excuses that you can use) and be an effective learner, but, believe us, it will pay off later in your life.