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Professional trade shows allow business owners to find a new crop of potential customers and to sell their goods and services in person. The best trade show booths at these shows are eye-catching and interactive: If you’re heading off to a trade show, keeping these five points in mind will help you accomplish these goals.

Create Freebies That People Can Take

Freebies like swag bags, printed infographics, and other similar types of items serve a couple of purposes. First, freebies encourage people to stop at your booth, which in turn, gives you an opportunity to possibly win some new customers. Second, if these items are branded, they can serve as free advertising for your business as people carry them around the show. Finally, if they are useful items like bags or calendars, people will hang on to them and remember you when it comes time to purchase even if a long time has passed. You don’t have to spend a lot of money purchasing items to give away for free to potential customers at a trade show. Look into companies that offer personalized items in bulk for discounted prices. Some suggestions for freebies to giveaway are pens, rulers, sticky notes, water bottles, or stress balls. 

Use the Right Ad Holders, POP & More

Signage will play an important role in the success of your trade show booth. Many business owners opt to have these items made of durable materials like acrylic. Moreover, acrylic printing services allow you to brand these items permanently. This looks more professional than a sticker posted to an ad holder or a point-of-purchase display. It’s sturdier, too, which means you won’t have to replace these items every time you have a trade show. Putting in the extra effort to make your sign or banner look professional will go a long way. It is likely the first thing people will see while they are walking by your booth. Make sure your name stands out and catches peoples’ eyes. You might even want to hire a graphic designer to come up with the perfect design before creating your signage. 

Create Engagement

Interactive elements like product videos, games, and other elements create engagement with trade show-goers. Given the amount of competition that you could have at the show, anything you can do to get people to stop and engage with you gives you the chance to nab a potential customer, possibly even allowing you to take a potential customer from your competitors. If you know there might be kids at the trade show, make sure you also appeal to them. Keep them entertained. This will impress their parents who will likely become future customers for you. Trade shows can seem repetitive to people who frequently go to them, so make your business stand out by being entertaining. 

Make Sure It’s Well-Staffed

Trade shows can get busy. One way to turn off a potential customer is to make them wait to speak to someone. When you’re planning your trade show, make sure that you have enough trained staff to help people should things get really busy. Make sure that volunteers sign up for a certain shift and show up on time. Rotate through your staff so that everyone has a break and has the opportunity to visit other booths and build relationships with other businesses. You will also want to make sure that people at your booth are knowledgeable about all aspects of your business. They should be ready and willing to answer any questions people may have. 

Don’t Forget Your Online Presence

Although your trade show gives you the chance to interact with people in a live setting, you don’t want to forget to bring in digital support. That means you should have someone reporting what’s happening at the show on your social media. This helps build excitement for the show and encourages local customers to come and say ‘hi.’ You might even want to consider starting a Facebook or Instagram live video on your business’s social media page. This will let people know the trade show is going on. It will give people an opportunity to see your booth if they aren’t able to attend in person. Having digital viewing options these days is more important than ever. 

You can also add QR codes to items in your booth; people can scan these to get freebies from your website in exchange for their email addresses. Trade shows are just one venue for you to sell your goods and services. Allowing people to find you via your online services means that you get to keep them interested after the show is over. It’s also a great opportunity to gather email addresses for marketing purposes. Otherwise, people who visit your booth may likely forget about your business and never think about it again. 

Your trade show booth is an opportunity for you to expand your current business and find new customers. As such, you want to put a lot of thought into it so that your trade show experience is successful. Designing your booth will be the most important step to finding success. Consider outsourcing your advertising and invest in some freebies to get the most out of your trade show experience. Implementing the five points mentioned above in this article will allow you to have a successful trade show experience.
