It is an astonishing fact that up to 85% of printer ink and copier toner cartridges end up in landfill sites meaning that this everyday office product is currently making a significant contribution to the tonnes of waste that will basically stay in the ground for a very long time.
Recycling your Toner CartridgeÂ
The most positive aspect about recycling old toner cartridges is that the planet and our environment is the biggest overall winner. It is a win-win situation in that not only are you keeping waste out of the landfills but you are also reducing the need for more raw materials to make the same product again and probably the best bit of all from a personal point of view, your printing budget will be greatly reduced as a result of your actions.
What Recycling InvolvesÂ
There are currently an estimated 700 million cartridges that get thrown out each year so by using a recycling firm to collect your old toner cartridge, you are giving them the opportunity to sort through each one and make sure that every one that is not broken and still functioning perfectly can be replenished with new ink and be ready for fresh use again.
Reducing your Printing BudgetÂ
If you are using a supplier that offers to supply recycled toner and print cartridges and also supplies replacement toner then you are quite likely to benefit financially from a reduced printing budget.
The cost of replacement ink for your printer and toner cartridges is considerably less than the cost of buying a new cartridge and as already stated, it is also bad for the environment.
Simple MathsÂ
The cost of new and recycled print cartridges can vary by some way and there are also varying degrees of quality that have to be taken into consideration. On a basic level to get some idea of the cost comparison between a replacement cartridge and refilling your existing cartridge, an assumption is made that the average price of an ink replacement kit for a standard office laser printer is around £25 on average to order plus about £3 for post if ordered for delivery.
The equivalent replacement cartridge kit for the same printer would be in the region of £50 for the same amount of ink and usage that you would get from the replacement ink kit, which equates to a saving of roughly £5 each time you refill rather than replace.
That equates to a substantial cost saving over a period of time, especially if you have more than one printer product in use.
Not All Products are EqualÂ
You should bear in mind that not all ink kits are of the same quality and if you want to avoid getting messy and compromising on print quality then it would pay to find a kit that comes with a quality guarantee, meaning that the ink should be up to the standards you expect.
When you look at the costs and the environmental aspects of using replacement ink and recycling your toner kits then it would be reasonable to assume that you should be better off all round if you take a greener view when it comes to your ink cartridges.
Mark White is a receptionist. He loves to share his best tips on business and professional blogs. Visit the ink cartridges for cash link to learn more.