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When you own property such as buildings or commercial establishments, dealing with graffiti can become a pain, and it is something that the Australian government tries to deal with, as you can see on the website. There is a solution that can help you with this battle, which can over time save you money, as well as hours scrubbing, cleaning, and painting over graffiti. Painting the surface of your business establishment or building with an anti-graffiti substance can make it easier to clean and maintain, keeping your building looking in excellent condition.

Taking Care Of Graffiti The Easy Way

Unsightly Graffiti

Graffiti is a form of art that started within cities and is a way for people to express themselves. There are some high-quality artists such as Banksy from the UK who create artworks that can be worth a lot of money. If you have a designated area for this type of art, then it can be stunning if it is of high quality, but in areas that you want to be kept clean, it can be an unsightly mess. The best way to prevent graffiti is to remain vigilant and apply a surface coating to prevent people from spray painting your walls.

How Does It Work?

Anti-graffiti coatings work by creating a layer on top of the surface of the wall which prevents paints and other materials from bonding to the surface. Whether it is brick or concrete, there is a solution to help you deal with unwanted graffiti on your property. There are two different types of coatings which are commonly available which are waterborne, low-VOC coating systems, and also non-sacrificial solvent-based. Both of these give an excellent finish to the exterior of a building and make it hard work for graffiti artists, and easy work for you to clean. You can apply a clear coating to any surface, or you can even choose a coloured coating which will match the surface colour and give a vibrant finish to the area.

Quick & Easy To Clean

If you do find that someone has come along and sprayed graffiti while you were away, you will be able to clean it up quickly with just a little elbow grease. The protective layer on top of the surface of the building prevents the paint from penetrating it, and a quick spray with solvents and scrub with a brush will see the wall clear in no time. A quick hose down afterwards and your wall will be looking as good as new again.

More Preventative Measures

If you still have a persistent problem after applying your coating, then there are other measures that you can take to tackle the problem. One of the most efficient ways is to install a CCTV system which will be able to catch the perpetrators while they are in the act. You can even try installing dummy cameras at first and see if this deters the guerrilla artists from defacing your property. You will often find that a dummy camera can be an excellent deterrent if people think that there may be someone filming them. With a bit of cunning and a quality coating of anti-graffiti paint, you can keep your building looking great and win the war against the street artists.
