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Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
Sit Rd, Azusa New York

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Running a respectful and prospering business is a great thing, however there might be something that is equally if not more important than that. Today at the dawn of the 21st century, our world faces an imminent ecological disaster that threatens to consume us all. In this struggle, no effort is too small to be considered insignificant. As the great Gandhi once said, be the change you want to see in the world. We must each do our part in order to find a way out of this elaborate trap. With this in mind why not start an eco-friendly revolution by making your business greener.

A Real Change Comes from Within

The most important thing in changing the ways in your office lies in changing the behaviors of your employees. First thing that you need to address here is the necessity for recycling. Encourage this planet-friendly behavior in your office and you will be doing your planet a great favor. Next thing you can do is suggest to people at work that they should find some greener forms of transportation. This brings another advantage to the table, which is the fact that most of these eco-friendly commute options are also healthier. Walking, riding a bike or running to work are also great cardio exercises as well as excellent methods of losing weight.

Using Less Energy

Now, this is what could be truly called a win-win scenario. By making your business less energy reliant, you will at the same time make it more eco-friendly and wallet-friendly as well. There is nothing quite like it. Start by replacing some of your office appliances for those that waste less energy. For example, printers that use toner cartridge usually spend less energy than laser ones do. As yet another plus it has been noted that they also tend to cost significantly less.

Making Your Business Greener


Next two issues that you can significantly improve are the question of heating in your office premises as well as the question of lighting. First of all, by doing a proper insulation you will spend significantly less money on heating annually. Seeing how you will also use less electricity or fossil fuels on heating as well, this is yet again a clear win for the green cause. You can also always install double-glazing windows and thus increase the energy efficiency in the office significantly, as well as solve some of the more persistent lighting problems.

Green Light

Speaking of light, it is known that natural illumination by daylight has no alternative. For that reason alone it is paramount that you install a large number of clear windows in your office.   Skylights are also a great way to let a lot of light into your building, and Davis Roofing is the expert at installing them. However, natural light is never self-sufficient so in order to solve this problem you will simply have to resort to artificial lighting as well. There is something that can be done here as well to make our office greener. Just install LED light bulbs instead of regular ones and have no worries.

Using Less Paper

Even though this may not seem as such big of a deal, using less paper in your doing business can often be a deal breaker. In the 21st century most of the work is done virtually anyway so try to use this method whenever you can. If you absolutely must use paper for something, there is always an option of turning to the recycled paper for aid. In this manner, your way of doing business will not only become more green but more economical as well.

As Roman poet Ovid once said, our children shall reap the fruits of our labor. We owe it to our descendants to leave behind a better world than the one we inherited. Having this in mind when governing your business is extremely important. Seeing as most of these changes are not only better for our planet but also for your budget, there is literally not a single con to going green with your business.
