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8 Things To Ensure Deliberately While On App Development Stage

For any business online, if they have made a presence online, and if they are content with the results then hiring an android app development company is definitely the next step. If you’re conscious about the lucrative benefits your business can gain with enhancing your online presence and status, you won’t hesitate for the next step which is getting a brand app developed as soon as possible.

Now, while you’re getting your app created, ensure that few factors are taken care of at the development stage. These factors will promote your efforts in the direction making your App attractive and more popular to choose.

The more simple and easy your app is to use, more popularity it will gain

  1. Login feature: Most of the popular apps these days have an attractive login method. They have connected their login gateway with social media accounts and the user can easily click on the social media tabs they want to use for login and use the app.
  2. Feedback system: An attractive feedback process can help you win the trust of your user which is beneficial for the long run. Feedback feature is the first and most numbers of times thing searched by the user. There are numerous way to ensure this like emails, google forms, or through an IVR system. Also, incorporating suggestion/feedback column helps you to improve according to your user.
  3. Simplicity: If you’re still following the idea of using heavy graphics and complicated navigation, you’re completely on the wrong side of the line. Get on the right path before it’s too late. Today, everyone is in a hurry and busy, if people are not able to accomplish their task easily using your app, chances are they might never return.
  4. Relevancy: ‘Content is king’ and will always hold the monopoly being the provider of rich and satisfying user experience. While you develop the app assures to provide relevant, insightful and topic related data.  
  5. Speed: The load time has been the villain for even the most popular brand app. Doesn’t matter if it’s renowned Google app or a simple business app if it takes the time to load the user will not use it. Best advised to test the speed at the development stage and try to drain the swamp of your app.
  6. Include analytics: The app should be capable of recording the visitor’s data. The app should be beneficial on account of business development by availing the user experience, user journey and other inevitable details that can improve the marketing strategies.  
  7. Simplified Sign-in: One warning while making your sign in page is, your user is easily irritated if asked to do things that they don’t want to. From a user perspective, if it’s not really necessary, only name, age and email is enough inputs for valid sign in. You can always ask for other details later displaying the need, but at times your user is signing up for the first time, avoid these mistake. Keep the login process as simple as you can.
  8. Your brand: Your android app is the face of your brand, make sure to leave a better footprint. On the development stage make sure the brand name, brand logo should be placed aesthetically lest messing with user while they are working on your app. The placement should justify the placement.

          Tags:Android app development company Fort Lauderdale
