Business Psychology: Learning How To Make Your Products Stand Out To Potential Customers

Consumers are bombarded every day with advertisements for new products on the market. Manufacturing companies face the daily challenge of determining the most effective ways to make their products stand out to potential customers. By focusing on the three key selling points below, you can increase the chances that your product will be noticed and… Continue reading Business Psychology: Learning How To Make Your Products Stand Out To Potential Customers

3 Unique Tips For Your Halloween Company Party

Many employees look forward to Halloween because it provides the perfect opportunity to let loose, have fun, and try on different personas for a day. If you offered (or were volunteered) to put together the company Halloween party this year, here are three tips for making it a fun night employees will be talking about… Continue reading 3 Unique Tips For Your Halloween Company Party

Covering All Bases: What Snacks Are Missing from Your Office's Vending Machine?

For many adults, vending machine snacks are a staple of the regular office diet. They stop by the vending machine for a mid-day snack when the two o’clock slump hits. They check out the offerings in the vending machine when they forget to pack a lunch. If they have to stay late, they might hit… Continue reading Covering All Bases: What Snacks Are Missing from Your Office's Vending Machine?

5 Clever Ways To Create A Pet-Friendly Environment In The Office

Research has proven that allowing pets in the workplace lowers stress levels for both the pet owners and their beloved animal companions. Here are five unique ways to make your workplace a welcoming spot for pets: Create a dedicated playroom in a spare room or office. If your business has the space, create a doggy… Continue reading 5 Clever Ways To Create A Pet-Friendly Environment In The Office

5 Things You Should Remember When De-Cluttering The Office

Maintaining an organized, spacious, and clean office environment is one of the key distinguishing features of successful companies. It allows management and staff to collaborate without space restriction and unnecessary stressors surrounding them. But de-cluttering the office is a somewhat sensitive issue that is far more complex than your usual monthly household cleaning routine. There… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Remember When De-Cluttering The Office

Starting Off Right: 6 Essentials For Your Fresh Start-Up

There are few things as thrilling as finally getting your small business off the ground, but it is quite easy to overlook some essential items on your opening day. If you are getting ready to open your doors, then take a look at these products or steps you may have overlooked. An Accountant or Accounting… Continue reading Starting Off Right: 6 Essentials For Your Fresh Start-Up

Picking The Right Candidate: 5 Things To Remember Before Handing Out The "Final Rose"

The resume is often the defacto piece of evidence required by most employers when sorting through potential candidates for a job. It’s also probably the least effective measure of success for a new recruit. Blame it on human nature’s tendency to exaggerate their work history, or the inability of a piece of paper to truly… Continue reading Picking The Right Candidate: 5 Things To Remember Before Handing Out The "Final Rose"

Liability and "Likes": Teaching Your Employees Safe Social Media Practices

According to Hackmageddon, cyber-crime is the leading cause of cyber-attacks. In fact, roughly 30 percent of all attacks target businesses. For this reason, businesses are encouraged to teach their employees safe internet usage practices. Below explains five ways that will keep your employees safe on social media sites. Information Sharing Social media sites encourage the… Continue reading Liability and "Likes": Teaching Your Employees Safe Social Media Practices