Lumia 610 vs Lumia 710

Nokia Lumia family of phones has four variants, Nokia Lumia 610, Lumia710, Lumia800 and Lumia900; of these Lumia 610 and Lumia 720 are priced significantly lower compared to 800 and 900. The Lumia 610 and Lumia710 are feature packed smart phones, with Windows Mango 7.5 operating system for phones. The phones are designed to be… Continue reading Lumia 610 vs Lumia 710

Categorized as Technology

Israel shakes hand with China for renewable technology

Recently one conference held in Eilat in Israel regarding collaboration with china on the development of renewable energy like solar energy and methanol. During conference there were few talks held between Israel and china. After serious conference they both were ready to step ahead in developing renewable resources in order to have good future for… Continue reading Israel shakes hand with China for renewable technology

Categorized as Technology

General Motors to interface Apple to their latest cars

At the Auto Show at the Los Angeles this week, General Motors announced that early next year two of the automobiles will have Apple’s Siri. It was earlier told by the company that their cars will be integrated by Apple’s technology and now they mentioned the cars which will receive the Apple treatment. The Chevy… Continue reading General Motors to interface Apple to their latest cars

Categorized as Technology

9 Tips to Secure Your Mobile

If you have your official work e-mail on your mobile phone is a good idea to turn the extra security. Mobile security has never been more important. More and more of your life is stored digitally in your pocket and you’re lucky you have an employer who allows the use of private phones at work.… Continue reading 9 Tips to Secure Your Mobile

Categorized as Technology