Startup’s Little Helpers: Software You Need To Succeed


Digital world provides lots of new hacks and tools that can be used for getting the best possible business results. In this article we focused on marketing, website analytics and file sharing and storing, which are all very important for running a fast-growing corporate entity.

MailChimp- E Mail Marketing

E mail filters are much more effective today in separating spam and e mail messages worth reading. G Mail for example separates e mail messages in three separate folders: Primary, Social and Promotions. Marketing e mails that are able to come through the filter and place themselves in Primary folder have very high promotional value. MailChimp is one of the best e mail marketing services that enable its users to keep their audience interested enough, so their e mails can reach Primary Folder in Gmail.

Other than that, MailChimp also comes with great help materials, lots of third party integration, built-in templates and editor that allow its users to easily customize their campaigns. There is a free version of this service that’s meant for small businesses, plus there are several low-cost plans, that come with many additional features.

Google Analytics- Web Analytics

One of the best advantages of Google Analytics is that it can be used for tracking multiple websites. It can be connected to Google Webmaster Tools and Google account, which offers better quality tracking. It can also monitor website’s social networking activity and videos, plus it provides great tracking of mobile users.

Google analytics is able to track every website page separately, which can provide an input about which pages attract most and least attention. In addition to this there’s a very helpful bounce rate count, as well as conversion statistics. This enables web administrators to narrow down pages that driving visitors away, or are having low conversion rates. Google Analytics is used by some of the biggest corporate players, as well as different respectable non-profit institutions including: Huff Post, Yelp, American Cancer Society, etc.

DropBox- Storage

DropBox offers 2 GB of free storage. Although this is not much comparing to OneDrive’s 5GB or Google Accounts that come with 15 GB of free storage space (that’s shared between Google Drive, Google Photos and Gmail), DropBox comes with many other interesting features that still makes it one of the best storage tools out there. One of these is the DropBox Parent folder on the computer, where files can be stored and they will automatically be shifted to DropBox server, when computer is online.

Some other great features this cloud app comes with are:

  • It provides client software for many different OS, including: Windows, MAC OS, Linux, iOS, Android, Blackberry, etc;
  • It can retrieve files deleted in the last 30 days;
  • Files can be easily accessed if placed in Favorites folder;
  • Friends and colleagues can view files from their own Dropbox accounts with permission.

Although DropBox comes with smaller cloud space for free users, subscribers to their free plan have many options to enlarge their storage space.

WordPress- Blogging and Web Design

WordPress is the number one blogging and content management tool, that is been used by more than 25% of all website administrators. The reason why so many people use this platform is because it is easy to install, run and customize. WordPress can be used as a blogging tool only, on a domain or sub-domain, or it can be installed as platform on different kinds of hosting packages. Its installation is free and there are also plenty of customizable free themes that can be applied to the website. Same goes for plugins that allow users to extend website’s features and functionality. On top of all that WordPress has a great following, and very wide and collaborative user and developer communities.

Trello- Collaboration

Unlike other similar project management applications, Trello uses kanban scheduling system that proved to be very effective, since its initial use by Toyota in 1980. Every project is represented in aboard that contains different task lists filled with cards made for each project task. Tasks are moved automatically (depending on their due dates) or can be drag-and-drop by the users themselves from one list to the other. Trello also has a mobile app that is supported by Android, iOS and Windows 8.1.

Entrepreneurs need to closely listen business advice that’s provided by more experienced corporate players and constantly read articles from respected resources, like Pro Opinion blog for example. Only this way they will be able to follow trends and use new and appropriate tools that will help their business to become more organized, developed and profitable.