How To Start Your Kids Coding

Some kids may not realize they’re interested in coding until they actually start to do it for an extended period of time. It may take some encouragement on your part to get your kid into coding in the first place. Here are some methods to help your child discover their enjoyment of coding from the team at DevelopIntelligence. You play an important role in the whole process, but it’s more of a hands-off approach overall.

1.) Load a Learn-to-Code App onto your iPad or Tablet

Kids find anything that you bought for them faster than lightning. Put a new app on your tablet or iPad, and your kid is sure to locate it before launching into any other game or activity she likes. When she asks if she can play it, say, “Go ahead! I thought you might like it, so I downloaded it.” Evade the “What is it?” question. Let her discover coding for herself.

2.) Let Your Child Explore the App on His Own

Let your child discover the ins and outs of the learn-to-code app without any interference from you. The idea of learn-to-code apps is for your child to learn how to code intuitively. If he asks for help, then you can provide some guidance, but avoid telling him he’s doing anything “wrong” as he figures out how to use it and to build programs and games on his own. Self-directed learning is fun for kids.

3.) Ask Your Child to Teach You How to Use the App

Don’t admit that you stayed awake the previous night learning how to use it and trying to unlock each level. Ask your kid to show you how to use the app and how to create a new program on it. Teaching others how to do something is an effective way to learn it, so having your kids teach you helps reinforce their own discoveries.

Spending time together working through the app is quality time spent doing something your child is likely to enjoy. Show enthusiasm in learning to code, and do it with your child. This will encourage him to learn more about coding because you’re learning with him.