A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Hyper Converged Architecture


In recent decades, technology has changed rapidly. A quickly ballooning digital marketplace requires companies to scramble for IT solutions that can integrate both legacy and cloud native applications. Hyper Converged Architecture is one of the newest solutions to this problem.

The ideal IT solution is going to allow system administrators to not only integrate the legacy and cloud native applications into one synchronous platform, but to also cut down on the resource burden presented by the legacy architecture in an effort to further embrace the real-time tech evolution spurred on by the nature of a fully virtualized digital marketplace. In order to best illustrate the benefits of hyperconvergence, it bears taking into account the chain of innovation that first brought it into existence.

Legacy stacks involve many moving components and physical appliances. You’re concerned with multiple servers, storage, WAN optimization; as well as separate appliances for backup purposes as protection against critical failures. Originally this all had to be assembled manually, and required allocation of extensive resources, in the form of system admins, who needed to dedicate time and energy into individualizing every setup. Eventually, an improvement was made upon this model by utilizing pre-racked solutions that were assembled based on commonly referenced architectures. As more and more cloud native applications entered the scene, companies began looking for ways to better integrate their IT solutions in order to achieve a more virtualized computing environment.

This is where things like software-defined data centers came into play, followed by installations such as Hadoop that were able to handle the sudden influx of huge amounts of big data. Big data requires smart storage to avoid becoming cumbersome, and so block storage evolved as well. This is where companies like Stratoscale come into play.

Stratoscale isn’t the only company offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) products, but it does provide comprehensive solutions for today’s IT concerns, including hyperconvergence solutions. By properly incorporating non-virtualized storage components; Stratoscale Symphony is able to eliminate more centralized solutions like SANs. Decentralizing your IT solutions can reduce or eliminate bottlenecks, improving overall system efficiency.

Hyperconvergence is the next step in the move towards cloud native, fully virtualized environments. It increases speed and efficiency, and also allows companies to cut down on overall manpower. Hyperconvergence offers the ability to manage many components quickly in a virtualized environment, meaning that you no longer need IT professionals with niche skill sets for every area of your infrastructure. Additionally, the ability to increase and scale on-demand, means that you no longer have to guess at future requirements in the face of a digital marketplace that can experience unpredictable and exponential growth.

Hopefully, you now understand hyperconvergence a bit better. This technology is currently utilized by only about a quarter of the market; with a greater adoption rate expected within the next few years. As such, it is important to start looking now for a hyperconvergence solution that best fits your needs.