WordPress v Drupal: The Verdict

WordPress is a popular and well-known CMS or Content Management System, but the slightly lesser well-known Drupal is fast gaining ground. But which is better?

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It’s an important question. The right CMS can make or break a website, and with so much at stake, it’s crucial to choose the right platform for your business site. According to statistics published by Hosting Facts earlier this year, the internet has influenced retail sales of around 2.84 trillion dollars in the previous 12 months, which represents significant growth over the previous year. So getting it right can generate huge profits for your business.

Ease of Use

WordPress has been a popular blogging platform for many years, but in recent years it’s become even better known as a CMS. It’s fairly straightforward, so most people should be able to put together a reasonably effective website with a little patience.

Drupal is much more complex, but that’s in part because it offers so much more functionality. For this reason, most users prefer to call in the experts to create their website in the first instance, using the CMS thereafter to add, edit and manage their content. It’s not difficult to source a Drupal design agency who can create your perfect website and tailor it to your exact requirements.

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WordPress is fairly simple to get to grips with, and with a wide variety of plug-ins, it can be tailored to the users’ needs. At heart, it is still a blogging platform, but extra functionality can be added in as needed, allowing you to tailor your website to your business

Drupal has much greater adaptability that WordPress, thanks to its huge online community of developers and enthusiasts. Many Drupal agencies, such as www.website-express.co.uk/service/drupal-design-development-agency, are regular contributors to the platform’s ongoing development, making them well placed to create bespoke websites that can scale along with your business.

So Which Is Better – WordPress or Drupal?

In the end, there are no hard and fast rules about which is the better CMS. Smaller businesses and bloggers will be most likely to choose WordPress due to its ease of use and the good selection of themes and plug-ins.

Larger businesses, on the other hand, are much more likely to opt for Drupal, since the platform is endlessly customizable, versatile, adaptable and, perhaps most importantly, secure.