Why Is Road Rage So Common These Days?

In a chilling incident of road rage in August 2015, CCTV cameras captured a car speeding across the road with a man clinging to its bonnet. Reportedly, the car driver had an altercation with the man who was the driver of a Volvo Bus, after which he beat the bus driver up and chose to drive with him clinging in the most precarious position. Such inhuman behavior has been reported on Indian roads more often than ever before. Why has road rage become so common?

Psychologist Point at Stress Factors

Driving through congested city roads and unruly highways is more stressful than we perhaps realize. Besides, lifestyle disorders associated with city life also have a role to play. Primarily, psychologists have divided stress into four broad categories, all of which, according to them, contribute to such irrational display of anger. The classifications are as follows:

  1. Environmental Stress: This is often contributed by conditions that make the environment extremely stressful, such as too much traffic, being prone to accidents, inadequate availability of highways and lanes and continual inhaling of poisonous toxins emitted by vehicles around us, including lead and carbon monoxide, which affect the nervous system and increase anxiety and restlessness. As a remedy, perhaps, modern day drivers should choose to remain within the confines of air conditioned vehicles and use thoughtful car accessories, such as air purifiers, to keep the atmosphere inside healthy and fragrant.
  1. Emotional Stress: This could arise from negative emotions like anger or frustration that one may carry from home or work. Often, absorbing uncalled for driving behaviour from movies, parents or commercials could also be a contributor. Also, when stress mounts in life, people start feeling that they are losing control. The vehicle steering is an obedient tool. It offers easy control and drivers tend to vent their frustration by doing the most outrageous things on the road. One of the best ways to counter such negative impulses perhaps is to listen to music. Choose smart car accessories in India, such as wireless Bluetooth speakers, connect it to your phone and play the music of your choice to soothe your nerves.
  1. Physical Stress: Well, driving requires you to remain seated in the same posture for long periods of time. It also requires unending periods of unflinching concentration. This could cause headaches as well as backaches, adding to the stress and causing abrupt flare up in temper. In case backaches are a problem with you, consider using extra lumbar support while you drive. You can buy these simple accessories that can be attached to the backrest of your driving seat for supporting and soothing the back muscles. These are available in any online store dealing in car accessories in India. You can also look for back massages at ecommerce sites selling car accessories online in India. Both of these will prove to be exceptionally useful in dealing with stressed back muscles.
  1. Nutritional Stress: This means indulging in improper nutrients affecting proper working of the body and mind. Diet rich in refined sugars and oil could lead to serious nutritional deficiencies. You also need to stay away from foods containing artificial colouring and preservatives. Flavouring substances should be avoided too. For instance, MSG is known to cause irritability and imbalance. Refraining from over consumption of caffeine and alcohol is also recommended.

In addition, those living and working in the city also need to spare time for regular physical activity and meditation for a happy and healthy existence.