Ways To Become Known In Your Industry

Whether you’re just entering the field or have been working anonymously within your industry for a few years, you may be wondering if it’s possible to begin to make a name for yourself without waiting until you’ve accumulated decades of experience. It seems that well-known professionals like Jason Hanold in the recruitment field and others have established themselves after building upon years of experience. Yes, hard work, time and dedication are required to reach a prominent level of a respected leader who’s paid their dues and maintained longevity within an industry. However, you can begin to become known in your industry by setting yourself apart in strategic ways.

Get Published

Write for industry publications or blogs within your niche. Pick up the journals and trade magazines within your field or go online to look for submission guidelines. Then brainstorm some ideas and send out some queries. When it comes to blogging, reach out to editors, introduce yourself and ask if you can write a guest post. Providing informative content is a fabulous way to lend credibility to your personal brand. You could even go a step further and create your own blog, providing a platform where people can come to seek your knowledge.

Teach Something

Consider teaching a class a local college or just volunteer to be a guest lecturer for someone else’s class. Teachers are seen as experts. Look for opportunities to speak at community groups or events, if their audience could benefit from your knowledge. Head to conferences within your industry and submit speakers’ proposals. Doing this is an effective way to introduce yourself to industry colleagues as a rising star. There are even websites that allow people to teach courses or seminars on nearly any subject. You could create a virtual course or slideshow that may be purchased and seen by numerous students.

Increase Your Network

Head to networking events for fun and for business. Join your Chamber of Commerce or look for groups through networking sties like MeetUp, which allow people with similar interests to get together to socialize or learn something new. By getting together with people who are interested in your expertise, you have the potential to open tons of new doors to opportunity. Your growing network will think of you if they should hear about a job in your field or should they meet someone who could be a great project partner or collaborator. Connecting with a wide variety of people is always beneficial, even if for nothing more than self-development. Always be positive and offer to help. Networking is about building genuine relationships, not simply seeking opportunity.

These are merely a few ways to begin to build your reputation as you gain career experience. Becoming known within your industry can lead to great opportunities.