Top 10 Interview Tips

In the hunt for that fantastic new job, creating your CV and applying for vacant positions is the easy part. The real challenge comes when you are invited to attend a formal job interview, as that can turn even the most confident of potential candidates into a nervous gibbering wreck!

But seeing as this is likely going to be your best chance to sell yourself and stand out from the competition, it is imperative you nail the opportunity first time around. It might sound as though the pressure is on, but with these top 10 interview tips from Essex and London based Job Agency B&K Recruitment, you can walk into your prospective employer’s office with a great deal of self-belief from the get go

Conduct Some Basic Research

Try to learn as much as possible about the prospective company’s products and services to show you really do have an active interest in what they do. It is also highly advantageous to research their customers, competition, and culture prior to an interview too.

Dress the Part

Although your expertise is what matters most to the majority of employees, appearance also makes a big difference especially upon your initial acquaintance. First impressions are absolutely crucial, so get out your best interview clothes, and be sure to give them a quick once over for any spots or wrinkles! Let the interviewer know that you are the right person for the job from the start.

Arrive on Time unflustered

Along with proficiency and professionalism, employers also care a lot about punctuality. If you are late to your job interview, who’s to say you will turn up on time for work should you be offered the job? So, allow extra time for getting lost and aim to arrive 15 minutes beforehand, you can then calm down and relax ready for the onslaught!

Be Prepared for Interview

Just in case the interviewer doesn’t have your CVready in front of them, make sure you take extra copies along with your references and some paper to take notes with too. You should also prepare some questions to ask during and at the end of your interview too. Show them your interest in the company or organisation and in the job role that’s on offer.

Demonstrate Confidence and Enthusiasm

Start with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact with the interviewer to show your confidence. When answering questions, speak clearly in an assured tone and let the interviewer know how enthusiastic you are about the position that is available.

Listen Carefully to what is Said

Not only will you gain a greater understanding of what the job is all about by listening carefully, you can also ask suitable questions on the back of what the interviewer has said. Also, be aware of anything the employer doesn’t cover, as this is often just as important. If you pick up on anything that has been missed, it could stand you in good stead.

Answer what is being Asked

It is imperative you understand the question and answer accordingly; otherwise the interviewer won’t have much faith in your comprehension abilities. Don’t be afraid to ask for further clarification if you are unsure of the question.

Give Examples of your Work

Before the interview, think of specific examples of previous work situations that you can use to showcase your own previous experience and expertise. Past behaviour is a strong indicator of future performance and will be taken seriously by any potential future employer.

Reinforce Your Interest in the Role

Towards the end of the interview, ask what the next step is and when a decision about the job will likely be made. Again, this demonstrates your interest but could also show you are in high demand in the job marketplace, possibly making them come to a more rapid decision regarding hiring you for the role.

Follow-up Afterwards

Remind the interviewer of your attributes and adeptness by following up via an email or telephone call. Don’t miss this opportunity to market yourself one last time leaving a good final impression.

There you have it, our very own B&K Recruitment guide to the top 10 interview tips which should help you through the entire job interview process, from a Recruitment Agencies perspective.