The Top 5 Causes Of Damp That You Might Not Know About!

Damp is one of the most common problems in houses today. This problem is caused by the extreme moisture that is build-up in the building. It can either occur from internal condensation or intrusion outside and then it’s blamed on either inadequate building maintenance or on the shabby build quality. If the damp is left untreated, it can cause other issues like dry or wet rot. The following things can also be causing a damp in your house that you possibly don’t know about.

Rising Damp : It is the common word used to describe the water movement from ground that rises up through capillary action. In simple words, rising damp occurs when the water under the ground rises up through building objects like bricks and mortar and affects wall’s plaster, home décor, timber floors etc.

The rising damp can be identified by a brown or yellow staining in the lower wall area. The damp can reach around 1.2 meter in height before the gravity counteracts to the capillary action force.

Other indications of rising damp include the fluffy deposits in the wall’s plaster that has been washed off from the bricks. Many people fail to identify these indicators and simply repaint over the affected area. This can give you peace of mind for short time, but in all cases of rising dump will need to be treated by damp proofing specialists.

Lateral Penetrating Damp : Lateral penetrating damp usually occurs on walls below ground floor, in basement area causing damps to grow internally to cellars and basements below the ground. And, this damp penetrate can cause internal damage. So, if you feel that it’s been growing in your basement too, then have a specialist to check it out.

Condensation : Condensation is occurred due to high humidity during winter. Bathrooms with no ventilation can make the area constantly steamy and moistureridden. It can be described as Black Mould Fungus, which is also referred as Aspergilla. However, this fungus is very damaging to furniture, clothing and can cause great damage in health as well such as coughing, chronic fatigue, headaches and rashes.

Therefore, it’s been suggested to keep such areas ventilated, until you hire a specialist to treat them as it is the best option to avoid damages. Solution for condensation includes passive vapour vents or the extractor fans can stop them from developing again in the future.

Rain Penetration : Rain penetration simply means rain entering house because of deterioration or building faults. Roofs, chimneys and openings like windows or doors are common areas that can be affected. Rain penetration is different from the other forms of damp thus requires different solutions.

Rain penetration can also be identified by the green patches on the wall or the roof tiles laden with vegetation. But unfortunately, the rain penetration is within structures which cannot be seen by the human eye. It’s often noticed only after most damage has already been done.

Water Damage : Leaking roofs, leaking plumbing and actual flooding are the main causes of water damage. The extent of damage depends on the length of time and amount of water it’s been leaking, but it’s generally covered by the home insurance so I guess that’s a relief.

Restoration depends on the amount of destruction it has caused. For those, whose properties have been mostly damaged, then all the plaster and saturated joinery will have to be replaced with damp-free plastering system. If appropriate steps are not taken, it can lead to dry rot fungus, fungi and black mould fungus which can cause huge loss in health and property as well.


If you feel that you’ve a damp problem, then it’s best to diagnose immediately. The specialists can instantly figure out the cause of the damp problems and recommend the right treatment to cure it.