The Balancing Act: Storing Data On and Off The Cloud

The topic of cloud storage has led to a heated discussion among consumers and entrepreneurs in recent months. Although hosted-services companies are starting up frequently and having no difficulty in establishing a client base, the different cloud options are still a mystery for many businesses. The line between private and public cloud solutions is a bit blurry,… Continue reading The Balancing Act: Storing Data On and Off The Cloud

Top 5 Advantages of Choosing a Dedicated Server Hosting

1. More security A dedicated server is different from a server that is shared because it will protect your online disk space, your processor power and even the memory space. This is because your server is not being shared, and avoids sometimes traffic jammed or system crashed due to a certain sites from the same… Continue reading Top 5 Advantages of Choosing a Dedicated Server Hosting

Multiple Domain Hosting: Why Bother?

Every webmaster knows the value of having a good hosting plan. A good plan determines the performance of your website which in turn affects its functionality, popularity and ultimately, its earnings. With the average webmaster running multiple websites, keeping up with the management and maintenance of different hosting plans for all the sites can be… Continue reading Multiple Domain Hosting: Why Bother?