Living With A Visa or Green Card? 5 Things To Remember During Your Job Search

Life can get complicated for people who live in America as non-citizens. When you aren’t a legal citizen, everything from getting married to finding insurance and securing a job can include a little bit of extra work. If you are living in America as a legal immigrant with a green card, you might wonder how… Continue reading Living With A Visa or Green Card? 5 Things To Remember During Your Job Search

Minimum Wage And The Impact On Your Business

Fierce debate exists over the minimum wage debate.

In his last State of the Union address, President Obama discussed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Many other political leaders, like the mayor of Seattle, Washington, however, have already taken steps to raise the local minimum wage significantly higher to $15 an hour. What will these increases mean to owners of… Continue reading Minimum Wage And The Impact On Your Business

A Retail Search Firm Can Help You Find The Right Candidate For Your Workplace

Finding the right job applicant takes a lot of effort and hard work. First you need to write a detailed job description, advertise it in the proper channels and promote your company. After sifting through stacks of online applications, you need to review the best ones and contact only the top-tier candidates. After scheduling your… Continue reading A Retail Search Firm Can Help You Find The Right Candidate For Your Workplace

Employment Issues: The Most High Demand Jobs In Canada

Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, a member of the Group of Eight and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is a country with highly developed market economy with a high degree of governmental interference. The Government actively supports the status of the country open for immigration, because it… Continue reading Employment Issues: The Most High Demand Jobs In Canada