Reasons Why Traditional Sauna Products Are Still Popular

Reasons Why Traditional Sauna Products Are Still Popular

For thousands of years, sauna has been enjoyed in its many appearances. While the technology has advanced, the appearance of sauna products has also changed. New research and new studies have also shown that there are several detoxification benefits of sauna. Researchers continue to show the sauna’s ability to aid weight loss, help blood circulation, and general ability to improve the look and feel of the body’s muscle and skin.

Traditional Sauna:

There are many different types of sauna products available on the market nowadays. When most individuals think of traditional sauna products, they actually think about steam sauna, in which the water is poured over hot stones in order to heat it and steam the air. These types of traditional saunas heat the air inside to a temperature of between 70 and 100 degrees Celsius. They also maintain a relative humidity of about 20%.

Traditional sauna products are sometimes considered as a luxury product, this is the reason why it is preferred by many people. Finish saunas have become much more affordable in recent times, and today you can find the same in any online or offline sauna stores.

The most standard types of traditional saunas come with a rectangular log hut that contains an open rock stove and raised platform. These types of saunas contain many rocks in the stove, and when it is heated up, it produces intense qualities of smoke. The smoke usually escapes through a vent in the ceiling or through the door. The smoke also produces a pleasing aroma in the sauna. In spite of the advent of modern sauna products, traditional sauna products are used in many houses due to their luxury and pleasing aroma. However, even the modern steam saunas come with sauna rooms with a roof supported by beams and logs.

As a Healthy Investment:

Traditional saunas are generally considered to be healthy investments, as the high temperature induces sweating. This has actually many health benefits. In Finland, traditional Finish saunas are so popular that you can observe steam saunas in everywhere in the country.

Benefits of Traditional Sauna:

There are many different health benefits of using traditional sauna products. Steam sauna increases the blood flow and help in burning calories as well. Traditional saunas can also relieve lower back pain and the symptoms of arthritis as well. Therefore, these types of saunas are widely popular among sports medicine specialists who believe that their use will aid an athlete in the process of stretching and warming up for competition. Apart from that, athletes can also enjoy using a traditional sauna in order to relieve the aches and pains experienced from a difficult day of athletics.

However, people who are using traditional steam sauna should clean the rocks regularly in order to maintain the healthy benefits a traditional sauna. If not maintained properly, the hot rock saunas can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria because they grow well in humid environment. Therefore, regular cleaning is important to experience the enjoyment without endangering the health of its occupants.