Placements Techniques For Concrete

Now a day, ready mix concrete is available, and it has become very easy to transmit and utilize it. But before placing any ready mix concrete, you must consider a few essential aspects such as layout, equipment, and the procedural method to avoid any hassle. In this respect, a professional must inspect all the equipment and the placement site of concrete. You must adapt a standard checking procedure when you are performing things like screed floor or concrete screed. Equipment for concrete delivery must be installed correctly to ensure a practically continuous flow of ready mix concrete during the process of depositing without segregation of materials. A highly qualified and experienced supervisor should make all the calculations regarding raw materials with the help of a cement calculator. In this way, you can minimize any kind of error concerning the composition of the concrete mixture.

Place the ready mix concrete at a reasonable distance so that the concrete can be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of leaving the mixer drum. The concrete should not be disturbed when it is compacted. It needs time to settle itself according to the frame. During the conveying process of the concrete, it should not be mishandled or misplaced. Otherwise, it will lose its overall strength. Elephant Trunks must be used in locations where the direct placement of the ready mix concrete is not possible. If the concrete is supplied from a height into thin columns or beams, special care must be taken to avoid any mistake.

As far as the shuttering is concerned, the concrete should be supplied through shovels or any other suitable method. But it should never be dropped from a height more than one meter. Once you start concreting, make sure that there must be a constant flow of the concrete. Try to make 150 mm to 900 mm thick layers of concrete because in this way, it gives maximum strength to the structure of building. Place the concrete as quickly as possible to prevent the formation of cold joints or planes of weakness between the consecutive layers. Use the concrete mixer calculator to maintain the standard ratio of cement, sand and steel.