Opting For Surgery On Prostate Cancer – Here Is What You Need To Know

Prostate cancer surgery is a common choice for prostate cancer treatment and is done if the cancer has not spread outside the prostate gland.

Prostate is a gland that is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate gland produces a fluid that carries the sperms.

Prostatectomy is the surgery that is done for a complete or partial removal of the prostate. The surgery helps to cure the condition, maintains consistency of urine, maintains the ability to have erections and minimizes the side effect and pain caused before, during and after the surgery.

Prostate Surgery Types

The prostate cancer surgery removes the cancer causing tissues. BPH surgery removes the prostate tissue and restores the normal flow of urine.

Open prostatectomy – This is an open approach where the surgeon makes a cut through the skin to remove the prostate and the nearby tissues. There are two main approaches to this method. In the radical retropubic method, the incision is made from the belly button to the pubic bone and in most cases only the prostate is removed. Some lymph nodes may also be removed. If the doctor suspects that the cancer has spread to other organs, the surgery may be stopped. In the radical perennial approach, the surgeon makes a cut in the space between the scrotum and rectum. This helps in removing the lymph nodes and takes lesser time than retropubic surgery. The chances of having erectile dysfunction are higher in this case.

Laparoscopic approach – This surgery is not very invasive and there are two approaches to this surgery as well. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is where multiple tiny cuts are done to insert the surgical instruments. A thin tube with a camera is used to visualize the area. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is where the surgeon visualizes on a computer while directing a robotic arm. The robotic arm gives the process more precision.

Side Effects and Risks of Prostate Cancer Surgery

If you show some prostate cancer symptoms and your condition is confirmed, then you may opt for prostate cancer surgery. You should however be aware of its side effects and risks.

A· Reaction to anesthesia

B· Bleeding due to the surgery

  • Blood clots in the lungs or legs
  • Damage to the nearby organs
  • Infections at the site of surgery
  • Intestinal damage during the surgery which may lead to abdominal infections
  • Formation of lymph fluid if the lymph nodes are removed which needs to be drained
  • Inguinal hernia risks are increased on doing prostatectomy
  • Risk of death in rare conditions
  • Urinary inconsistency which creates problems in controlling urine
  • Erectile dysfunction which prevents getting erections for sexual penetration
  • A change in orgasm as the gland that makes the semen has been removed. This causes no ejaculation of semen
  • Complete loss of fertility as the vas deferens is cut which is the path between the testicle and urethra
  • Lymphoedema is caused when the lymph nodes are removed. Lymph nodes let the fluid to return to the heart from all parts of the body. On removing the node, the fluid gets collected in the genital region and legs and cause pain and swelling
  • Penis length – Decrease in the length of the penis which is because of the removal of a portion of the urethra along with the prostate.

Laser surgery is known to be more effective to remove the prostate tissue, but those who choose the LRP and RALRP may experience less blood loss, less pain and have faster recovery time.

You could choose from the affordable surgery packages and benefit from value added services as well as the fixed package price.

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