Making An Announcement

Making An Announcement

When you’re running a business, there are plenty of times you’re going to need to make announcements: to your team, to your investors, even to the press. Product launches, earnings announcements, big signings and collaborations and changes of circumstances all need to be broadcast in the right way to make the biggest impact. Or, in the case of bad news, to minimise their impact!

Today we’re presenting a short guide to making an announcement so your business communications hit home when you need them to.

A Matter of Scale

The most important thing you can do is decide on the scale of your announcement – feedback on your earnings for the last year or over the Christmas season might be very good news, but are still something routine. It’s best to release this information in your standard earnings call or regular meeting with your board and investors – taking special action to announce it suggests uncertainty, even if the news is good.

On the other hand, if you identify something it’s worth making a song and dance about, you should by all means make a fuss! It’s not just good for morale, it could be vital publicity for your business.

There are also occasions where the news is big but you want to keep the circle who hear about it small for now, like the impending retirement of a senior figure perhaps. In cases like that, look the into the private dining room hire London has to offer: this provides an intimate atmosphere to discuss important business developments in a less formal setting.

An Appropriate Venue

Let’s imagine the announcement in question is a product launch. It’s vital to make the biggest splash possible with this: good publicity doesn’t just mean more customers, it could mean signing a contract with a big client!

Try to pick a venue that’s centrally located, to maximise the number of guests and make it easier for the media to attend. If you can pick one that has some relevance to product or industry it will make for a more memorable occasion.

Once you’ve selected your venue you just need to invite people: send invitations to the press, both trade papers and local and national. Your industry and local press are most likely to cover the event, but it’s still worth sending details to national journalists through any contacts you have. It could be this is just the story they need! It’s also worth putting the word out to relevant influencers in the social media sphere.

Then make sure the people that worked on the product are there. They deserve the attention! If you’ve got press coming, you want to make sure the event is packed so widen the invitation circle to employees, family and friends to ensure you’re ready for success!