How to Turn a DVD to my PC (Copy, Reduce and Burn)

To Copy DVD’s complete (menus, you extract, folders) to the computer we will use the DVD Shrink program, which allows us to perform backups, reduce and easily compile DVDs containing movies. If you copy a protected DVD to Computer

endorses I recommend you read on How to rip DVD to computer: Below Steps to Rip and convert DVD to an ISO image and to converter to other formats like Avi, MP4 … HDTV to pass to PC or any mobile device, read: How to Convert or Copy DVD to Any Format / … Avi, MP4, H.264 Rmvb (Full HD)

1. DVD Shrink has a lot of options, but is easy to use. The process of installation used is fast, simple and finally execute the program.

2. When DVD Shrink is started, the main window will look something like this. Now insert the DVD into the optical drive of your PC.

3. Select the disk you want to backup and click Open Disc.

4. Select the region you want. This will ensure that the format is correct for it to work properly in a DVD player, if you later decide to burn it to another blank DVD with Nero for example.

5. DVD Shrink is ready for backup. Select the audio and the film has subtitles in different languages.

6. At this point, you’re ready to rip the DVD to your hard drive. Click “Backup” button

DVD Shrink will run a quick scan on the disk before it starts to copy the movie to your hard drive.

7. Select the path where you keep the film and the format of the backup:

Hard Disk Folder (Folder Hard Drive) or create an ISO image file.

8. When you click OK to begin the encoding DVD Shrink, and remove the disc to your hard drive.

After the process, in their hard disk is Video TS folder or ISO image as configured (Step 7) and if you want you can use your player (e.g. VLC) to check that the menus and other functions work okay, before compressing and burn the files to DVD.