How To Remove Mold

No matter how clean and hygienic your home is, there are times when you notice mold build up in the bathrooms, kitchen or any area of your home where the moisture levels are high. The problem with mold is that it’s not always immediately noticeable especially if it’s lurking in certain corners of the kitchen, basement or bathroom.

Mold thrives in moist, dark and warm places and under the right conditions; it can easily build up within 24 to 48 hours. Leaving mold untreated or not following the right decontamination techniques can lead to respiratory illnesses and allergies in sensitive individuals. This is why it becomes important to quickly start on basic mold removal treatments without delay.

Mold removal tips

While you can call in mold removal professionals for the job, there are certain things you can do to remove mold in your home; here are some tips:


Vinegar is almost like a magic mold removing treatment. It is mildly acidic and can easily eliminate a large percentage of mold species. Using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar is another great way to get rid of mold and mold stains from tiles.

How to use it– Pour some vinegar into a spray bottle without diluting it and spray it on to the surface where the mold growth is; leave it that way for an hour. Then just wipe the area with water and allow the surfaces to dry. The vinegar smell will dissipate within an hour or so and you can place bowls of diluted lemon juice around the place to freshen it up.

Baking Soda

This is a white, mild mineral powder that is effective in killing mold; aside from this, it’s safe for your kids and pets. Not only does it help in killing the mold, but absorbs the moisture that helps deter the growth of the mold.

How to use it- Fill a spray bottle with water; add about half a tablespoon of baking soda to it and shake it till it dissolves completely. Spray the moldy surfaces with this solution and then use a medium hard scrub brush to remove the mold from the tiles. Then just rinse these surfaces with water and remove the remaining mold from the surfaces. Spray that area once again and let it dry. This helps kill any mold that’s left over, prevents the mold from returning and helps in decontamination as well.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral solution is extremely effective in killing mold on a range of materials such as floors and walls, bathroom tiles and fixtures, kitchen tiles and appliances too.

How to use it- Pour 3% concentrate of hydrogen peroxide into a large spray bottle and spray the moldy surface completely; let it sit for about ten minutes. Then just scrub the entire area and remove the mold and stains. Finally, just remove all the residual mold & spores using a cloth. Hydrogen peroxide tends to have a bleaching action and you need to take extra care while using it to clean mold from delicate surfaces.

All of these mold removal methods are non-toxic and won’t affect the health of your family or pets in any way. Tackling the problem as soon as you notice it, is one way to make these mold removal methods more effective.

In some cases you’ll need to call on professionals, if the mold growth is too widespread or severe.