How To Prepare Car Emergency Kits?

Any car owners should be aware of the importance of the emergency car kit. Whether it be for pleasure or business purposes, emergency kit is essential if we are on the road often. There should be basic essentials in this emergency kit, such as warm clothing, food and water. These things should be prepared if we are planning to go to areas where car breakdown could cause us to stay in the car for more than a day. Water is an essential necessity. While we can survive for a few days without food, we can get dehydrated very quickly without water. In some cases, we should bring extra bottles of water if we plan to travel to hotter areas with bad or non-existent roads. Some water bottles for survival purposes could have 5-year of shelf life. One alternative is to purchase ready-made kits. It could be difficult to find them in local stores, but we could purchase them in online stores.

We should make a list of essential things included in the emergency kit. Keep in mind that climate changes and the local situation determines what should be included in our kit. Being trapped in snow-covered road presents different challenges compared to getting stranded in the middle of the desert. Other than water, we may also need to bring thick wool blanket, water purification tablets, duct tape, road flares, set of tools, flashlight that’s rechargeable by crank, waterproof strike, small shovel, candles, MRE, light stick, crank-powered radio, jumper cables, extra cash, toiletries and first aid kit. When travelling in deserted areas with our car, we should be mentally prepared as well. As a result, we won’t lose our head when we face an emergency situation. Elderly relatives and children could rely on us for their safety, so we should be dependable.

When our car breaks down, we should asses our surrounding to make sure that our car can become a safe shelter. If there’s a storm cloud in the distance, it may not be a good idea to stay to stay inside the car if we are next to the river bank. A violent thunderstorm may cause flash flood that can flip our car and carry it for miles, along with us in it. However, although it can be as cold as in a fridge, the car can protect us from very cold wind. We should run the engine for short periods every a few hours to warm up both the engine and the interior. Most of the time, it would be better to stay inside the car, especially when we are on the road. Even if there’s only one car that passes the road every few days, it is a much better chance than taking a chance to walk down the road and let ourselves to get exposed to the elements. Prior to hitting the road, we should inform our friends and family about our plan and when we should be expected to achieve our destination.