How To Market Yourself With College Admission Essay

How To Market Yourself With College Admission Essay

The college admission essay is a great way to show off your personality and market yourself. This article will help you choose a unique college admission essay topic that will truly stand out and help you get into your dream school.

You might be wondering why you should have a unique college admission essay topic. After all, shouldn’t you be telling a college what they want to hear-likely the same stuff everybody else is telling them? The simple answer is no. The college admission essay topic you choose will serve to set you apart from the other applicants; if you’re writing the same thing as everybody else, there isn’t anything that makes you special. You blend in, and you’re easy to ignore. Your college admission essay topic should make the admissions officers notice and remember you. You want to be different. While it’s true that people can use an ordinary college admission essay topic and still be accepted, these people are the exceptions. You should be doing everything you possibly can to give yourself an edge, and your college admission essay topic is a good place to start.

How to Choose a College Admission Essay Topic

Some schools may give you a very specific college admission essay topic, but most schools do not. Most schools have broad topics such as “What is something interesting about you?” or “Tell us about yourself.” You can be creative with any of these college admission essay topics, making you really stand out from the crowd.

If the topic is-as most are-simply to tell the college something about yourself, you will have many options. Your college admission essay topic should not deal heavily with academics, as colleges already know most of this information. If you do choose a college admission essay topic on academics, however, make sure your personality shines through.

Consider All Your Options

The best option is to write about some important extracurricular activity or something interesting that you have done. Schools want your college admission essay topic to be something you’re passionate about. If it isn’t, they’ll be able to tell, and they won’t be impressed. Consider writing about how important a particular extracurricular activity is to you and why. Don’t include the common reasons that you can think of; rather, think about what the activity truly means to you and why it matters so much. The more unique your reasons the better your college admission essay will be. If you choose to write about something interesting you’ve done, make sure you appeal to a large group of people. Try to capture the feelings you had when you were doing whatever it was that you were doing. Be passionate. My college admission essay topic dealt with the first time I ever went SCUBA diving. I’m sure a topic like that is very rare, and I’m confident that it helped me to get into my college.

Whatever you choose, the most important thing is that you be passionate. The admission officers do not want to hear the same type of essay ten thousand times, so make sure yours is different. If you choose an interesting and exciting college admission essay topic, you’ll have a much greater chance of being accepted into your first-choice school. Good luck!