Features Of Good Town Council Websites

Features Of Good Town Council Websites

In this modern day and age, town council members often go online to find the latest news and announcements made by the council. Therefore, for any town council today, having their own website is essential. Unfortunately, most town council websites do not follow the right format. There are some features that should be incorporated in every town council website. Here are the essential features that you should expect from a good town council website.

An Announcement Page

Town council meetings are generally held regarding contentious issues. The outcome of the meeting is important for all the members of the council, as well as the people of the town. Therefore, the essential feature that the website should have is an announcement page. The page should include highlights of the last meeting held at the town council, as well as include a link to the minutes of the meeting.  This is very important for all the people of the town, as it will make it easy for them to log on and find out which member of the council was opposed to or for a particular agenda.

Easy To Update

Another very important feature of the website is that it should be easy to update. Town council announcements, notices, and updates are released regularly, so it is important for council members to update the website as consistently as possible. Having a website that takes a while to update is not what you are looking for. There are plenty of web developers that can create carefully designed websites for town councils, so thorough discussions are necessary with your developer in this regard.

Mobile Technology

Nowadays, millions of people access the web through their smartphones. Having a website that is compatible with mobile technology is very important. You need to create a website that can be viewed on the mobile and doesn’t take a while to load. Most importantly, you need a website that can be optimised for display in any browser, tablet, or mobile phone. The website should also be easy to upgrade with any additional features that you want.

Calendar Updates

Town council members often refer to the website in order to find out more information about particular events. Whether it’s an upcoming meeting or any other gathering, the updates should be listed directly on the website. That’s why the town council website should also have a separate section dedicated to calendar updates. People should be able to see what is going to happen next in the town council, which is why the calendar updates section is necessary.

Town council websites are not like ordinary websites. Your website needs to have a clear, scripted design and should be easy to upgrade. Talk to the web developer about what you want, and get them to show you a brief preview of the page before development is complete in order to get a better idea of how the completed website will look.