Embrace Mobile Apps For Your Business, Before It’s Too Late

Embrace Mobile Apps For Your Business, Before It’s Too Late

With the focus on mobile technology in recent years, more and more businesses are being tasked with creating mobile apps for their companies. While some businesses have been slow to adopt the use of mobile apps because of a lack of understanding, or often due to the high costs and length of time it takes to create a functional app. As internet, use continues to shift towards smartphone and tablet use, the need for mobile apps to sustain business growth, rises. Here’s everything you need to know to develop your company’s mobile app.

What is Mobile App Development?

Professionals who have experience writing software code for smartphones and tablets across multiple operating systems, such as MBJ Integrated Technologies, often develop mobiles apps. They can be time-consuming and costly projects because writing code is not something that many consumers are able to do without excessive training. Not to mention, today’s mobile app landscape is ruled by iOS and Android operating platforms, which means that as a business, unless you know that your customers are using one operating system over the other, you’ll need to have two apps developed, one for each platform. This in itself requires the assistance from a professional as each system requires different code writing.

Mobile Apps are not Websites Optimised for Web Use

One of the most common misunderstandings about mobile apps is that they’re the same as mobile websites. Unfortunately, this is not the case. A Mobile website is essentially a copy of your website that has been optimised to be easily navigated and viewed on a smartphone or tablet. Mobile websites are built specifically for mobile browsers.

Meanwhile, a mobile app is an application built for a specific mobile operating system, to make the customer experience better. Your mobile website is a reflection of your business and its products or services. A mobile app is the client’s access to either using or purchasing your company’s products or services. Both a mobile app and an optimised mobile website are vital in today’s technology-driven landscape.

Why is it Important for your Business?

Having a mobile app for your business is important because to stay ahead of your competitors, you have to be able to embrace technology. In today’s business climate, a mobile app is an extension of your business, improving client retention and communication, increasing sales and brand awareness through marketing, and also ensuring longer relevancy with consumers. With a mobile app, you will be able to attract customers who are more tech savvy, ensuring that as technology continues to advance, you’re already engaging with a group of customers who evolve along with the advancement. Having these type of customers as supporters of your business will help your company grow because of their knowledge and expertise in using technology. As a business, you have to understand that technology is controlling how companies interact, sell, and sustain. Not having a mobile app will only deter business growth.