Early Bird Catches The Worm


Over the course of years there has been much debate about the importance of pre-kindergarten education, and deservedly so. Early childhood is one of the most important stages of life in which kid’s physical and mental abilities develop at an astounding rate. Because of that, very high proportion of one person’s overall learning experience occurs by the age of six. We can even say that its informal education begins from the moment the baby is brought home from the hospital. How do then pre-school and pre-kindergarten programs affect child’s development during this crucial stage of life?

Benefits of Pre-Kindergarten Education

As it could be assumed early childhood education provides kids with numerous benefits. So much so, that they can even be divided in two groups:

  • Short-Term Benefits

According to U.S National School Boards Association’s The Center for Public Education children who participate in high-quality pre-kindergarten programs are more ready to learn once they enter school then their peers. The CPE further elaborates that some of the children who attended the state of Georgia’s pre-kindergarten program overcame the achievement gap they faced prior to enrolling.

  • Long-Term Benefits

Other research conducted by W. Stephen Barnett, Ph.D. deals with pre-kindergarten’s long lasting benefits. Namely, Barnett’s work indicates that well –designed programs are capable of not only producing a tangible head-start and better school results, but also improved social behaviour, and lower chances of delinquency, and criminal activity later in life.

With all this in mind, it should be obvious that by enrolling your kid in some pre-kindergarten school you can only help it to overcome these difficult years much easier, and secure its future wellbeing.

What is the Little Learning School?

Little Learning School is a brand devoted to providing your kids the best possible facilities, and the team of highly trained educators so they can spend their early years in nourishing and stimulative environment. Putting the partnership between families and its Child Care Centres in the focus, Little Learning School thus creates the perfect foundation for your kids to thrive, achieve all the previously mentioned benefits, and reach their fullest potential during school and later years of life.

The Little Learning School’s Staff

Believing that your kids deserve not only the best guidance, but also love and support, Little Learning School demands the highest possible standards from its employees. Because of that, educators are not selected only on the merits of their experience, knowledge and qualifications, but, what is also very important, passion for teaching and love for kids. It is also worth mentioning that their selection is very respectful to and reflective of Australia’s multicultural nature.

Little Learning School’s Programs

Another great thing helping the Little Learning School to accomplish its goal of fully using children’s early years to promote useful habits, social interactions, and interest for learning, are very compelling programs covering ages from the very birth to five years. The youngest children are being encouraged to develop their muscles, self-feed, and communicate with their surroundings, toddlers are learning counting, manners, and word pronunciation, while pre-schoolers are developing some more serious skills, like listening and comprehension, preliminary mathematical concepts, self-toileting, and taking turns and sharing. This great portfolio is well-rounded with The Ready to Read Literacy Program which is conducted 6-12 months prior to commencing school.

As we can see from the previously mentioned studies, children’s early years are essential in securing their prosperous future. And if leaving their education to well-trained and experienced professionals means helping them to reach their full potential, it is certainly worth a try.