Delicious Home Baked Pizza On Your Plate In 7 Steps

My mom says, “boy, don’t eat pizza, they ain’t healthy” I am sure each mom says the same thing. I don’t know if it’s like this or it’s just my perception, for mother’s every food that isn’t homemade is ‘unhealthy’. Isn’t it so? Don’t you think so? It’s like there’s an alarm with our moms that starts ringing loudly as soon as we touch outside food.

What to say, moms are moms. We can’t argue because at the end, they will always win and you’ll have to say ‘No’ to pizza. But not every time, not if you’re​ smart and you know how to cook a pizza yourself. If you know how to bake a pizza yourself, you won’t have to let your taste buds be deprived of  the delicious taste of awesome pizzas.

For those who know how to bake a cake and a juicy pizza, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start baking. The rest of the population which don’t know how to bake a pizza, don’t be disappointed, I am here to help.

Today, I will share some tips on ‘how to make awesome pizzas at your home. And don’t worry, momma won’t say ‘NO’ now and you can enjoy the pizza with her.

Step 1: Collect all the ingredients

Planning to bake a pizza without knowing the ingredients is like fighting the war without the artillery. So, the first job, collect all the ingredients that you’ll need, don’t leave even the least used elements. Now, depending on the type of pizza you’re willing to make, read it on any cookery website or show about the ingredients. You can choose a ready-made dough or you can prepare it in your home, which will hardly add few extra minutes into the labor.

Step 2: Heat the oven

If you are using an oven, you should know the right temperature that is suitable for baking the pizza or else you’ll have to compromise with a burnt pizza. Some people have traditional fireplace oven that is considered a better alternative to the oven but the modern ovens will also do the job. Take a note of it, the suitable temperature for baking a pizza is 550° F. More heat will make the pizza crunchier but extra heat will burn it. Let the oven heat up before placing the pizza inside it for heating.  

Step 3: Divide the dough

Divide the factory made the dough into two unless you want an extra thick pizza. On an average, the usual factory made dough is sufficient to make two 10-11 inches pizza and I am sure you don’t want such thick pizza.

Step 4: Roll the dough

The last thing to do is rolling the dough and I hope you know how to do so, if you don’t know it, ask your mom for help.

Step 5: Top the pizza with sauce

Now comes the part where you have to decide the taste of your pizza by choosing the right sauce for topping it. Add enough amount of sauce in the center of the dough and then using the spoon, spread it out, make sure you don’t leave the edges.

Step 6: Bake the pizza

You know the temperature and all the important things now. So, if you think the pizza stuffed properly and it’s ready, put it in the oven.

The final chore: Slice and serve

The final part, take the home baked pizza, slice into parts and serve it to yourself and the other guests, if any​. Devour the delicious taste of pizza and ask your mom to share the same. She won’t say no to this pizza.