Catch Foundation Damage Early

When your foundation fails, you’ll find that it constitutes one of the most expensive and problematic problems that could affect the home. If you can catch the signs of trouble early, you may still pay a pretty penny to have them repaired, but you’ll be able to avoid much more expensive repairs that might occur at an even worse time. The best way to avoid trouble is to understand the signs of problems and the issues that might lead to settling.

Inspect the Foundation

The first step in identifying trouble is to inspect the foundation itself. During the construction process, a great deal of attention is given to the foundation to ensure that it will stand up to the weight of the home and the exposure that it will have to the environment. If you find that the home’s support has any cracks running vertically, horizontally or zig-zagging, it’s time to schedule foundation repair in Oklahoma. Other signs of danger include sloping or buckling in the foundation, gaps anywhere between the walls and ceiling, doors and caulking or windows and frames. You might also notice signs of moisture damage, such as pooling water or mold. Keep an eye out for flaking on the concrete. Be sure that your inspections take place on the exterior and interior surfaces of your home. Any foundation cracks in Oklahoma can be a sign that you need repairs.

Be on the Lookout for Water Damage

In wet areas of the country, foundation damage is often the result of improper water drainage. The transition between wet weather and dry weather can cause the soil to expand and contract which then leads to shifting soil. This then puts a lot of pressure on the foundation. This cause of damage is tricky because it can also be a sign of damage that has already taken place. Whether the situation is causing the trouble or is a result of the trouble, it should be taken as a clear indication that you require foundation repair in Oklahoma.

Watch for Trouble Upstairs

Even though foundation issues begin in the lowest level of the home, you’ll often recognize the trouble by signs in the upper levels. For example, you might notice that the ceilings are warped or recognize sagging in the floors. Maybe you’ll see a gap between the floor and wall or the ceiling and the wall. You can test for sloping or sagging floors by placing a golf wall and watching to see if it rolls. Of course, the ball should stay in place. Foundation cracks in Oklahoma could affect the entire home.

Beware Buckling, Cracking Walls

Most homes are designed to withstand a bit of shifting and settling. Most builders leave some room in the structure of the home to compensate for that. However, too much settling can lead to crumbling in cement or brick, water damage and signs of moisture, cracks in the walls or foundation cracks in Oklahoma and similar signs. Watch for buckling of the walls or cracks in the corners, joints, moulding and chimneys. As you keep an eye open for any of these signs, you may find that a quick response and appropriate foundation repair in Oklahoma is the best way to avoid very expensive repairs.