Blogging – The Fame And Fortune It Offers You!

Ah, the joys of blogging! Blogging has become a buzzword and for those of you who are clueless about it, this article will introduce you to the concept of blogging as well as offer you tips and tricks to help you become a pro blogger yourself. In simple terms, blogging can be defined as maintaining a log online (web LOG gives BLOG). You can maintain a blog on any topic that interests you. A blog is simply a platform used to share your interests, connect with others having similar interests and learn new stuff. Although this may sound a bit like maintaining a traditional website, a blog has lots of advantages compared to a traditional website. First of all you can set up a blog without any knowledge of HTML and all the other programming stuff. Moreover, a blog will show up easily on a search engine which means lots of visitors on your blog plus you can build an entire community with similar interests and share content.

Easy and Effortless Creation

Now that you know what a blog is, you can easily create one. Lots of websites allow users to create and maintain blogs for free and you can use one of those to create your blog. However, when you use these websites to host your blog you can’t select your own domain name (it will be somewhat like and don’t have actual ownership of your blog. Instead of using such websites you can host your own blog and select the domain name of your choice. Hosting your own blog gives you greater freedom and scope for growth and requires payment of monthly or yearly subscription fee.

When creating your blog be sure to personalize it in a way suitable to its content. Every person is unique and same goes for blogs. Personalize your blog to reflect your personality.

Be Creative And Share Knowledge!

Once you create a blog you can post articles and share your knowledge. All your articles will appear in chronological order i.e. newest appear first. Keep your articles interesting and informative and readers will flock to your blog. Encourage reader involvement by asking questions or requesting comments/opinions and keep your followers hooked by responding promptly and appropriately. Another way to keep readers coming back is to post new articles frequently. You can even add photos and video clips to keep the content more interesting and attractive. You can expand your blog by inviting other writers to post articles and maintain a multi-author blog. Or you can start a multi-author blog along with a group of friends.

Have all amazing recipes which you just have to share with the world? Go ahead and create a food blog and post all your favorite recipes, reviews, opinions and more. Or maybe you just started up your own business and want to advertise it. Just create a blog to promote your company. Whether it is for business reasons or just for fun blogging sure is a great way to reach out to others and share information.

Author Bio:

Austin Richard is an IT Professional from passcertification. He is 9L0-412 exam certified and now he is getting prepared for 9L0-518 certification. He loves to write on topics like Blogging, Technology.