Blogging Basics For The Beginners

A blog is an informational site or a discussion published on World Wide Web. It consists of the discrete entries or posts displayed typically in the reverse chronological order. Until the year 2009, blogs were the work of single individuals or a small group occasionally and they were themed on single subjects. More recently the MABs (multi-author blogs) have developed with the posts written by various authors and are professionally edited. The MABs from universities, newspapers and other media outlets, interest groups, think tanks and other similar institutions actually account for the increasing quantity of the blog traffic. Most of the best blogs are interactive and allows the visitors for leaving comments and messages on the blogs via GUI widgets. This way, blogging can be a form of the social networking as well. If you are a beginner to blogging, the main thing is to keep a purpose of blogging in your mind. If the purpose of blogging in weak in your mind, you might give up blogging somewhere in the near future. Blogging requires long-term commitment to so always remember to find answers to the questions like:

Why do you like to start a blog?
Why do you wish to succeed?
What do you aim to get from blogging?

Most of the blogs have one or two sidebars on either side of the page. You can put anything you like on the sidebar like:

A search bar
A way to subscribe to blog’s RSS feed
A way to subscribe for blog’s mailing list
List of most recent posts
The categories
List of most popular posts
List of most recent comments
Social profile buttons
Links to the niche resources

You can add more stuff to your sidebar but just keep the important points on the top. Apart from everything you need to:

Define Your Goals

Your blog has good chances of success if you clearly know from the start what you like to accomplish from it. Make your mind if you want to blog for promoting your business or you simply like blogging for fun.

Know Your Audience

The content and design of your blog should reflect your audience’s expectations. Do not confuse them but try to meet and exceed their expectations for gaining reader loyalty.

Be Consistent & Persistent

Being consistent would allow you to meet the expectations of the audience. It is also important to update your blog on a regular basis as it would give a reason to your readers to come back on your blog for watching something new and interesting every time they visit.

Be Inviting

It is important that your blog actually welcomes the readers. You can ask them to leave the comments and respond to their comments for making a mutual two-way conversation. Make sure they know how much their response means to you by recognizing and involving them in the activities.

Take Risks & Keep Learning

Never be afraid to try new things in your blog. Keep your blog new and fresh by implementing the changes that would enhance your blog. Take time to research the new features and tools and introduce them in your blog.

Remember that you are actually teaching others something that you know well. It is now in your hands that you inspire the readers in different fields, provide them entertainment, and promote a service, product or a business. Establish yourself as a professional and an expert of blogging and then you can make money online as well.

Author’s Bio

Liza John is an IT professional from Selftesttraining .Have you really looked for this Assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of Citrix Certifications and pass your exam easily.