Beyond An Answering Service

Beyond An Answering Service

Are you considering contracting with a virtual answering service for your business? It’s a great choice for many businesses. A new company can improve its public image, and customers can trust that their calls will be answered by a professional, knowledgeable receptionist. An established company can get extra help answering phones during a busy season, or when the receptionist is out on holiday. All you need to do is direct your calls to the answering service when you wish, and then back to your phone if you desire. The entire process is invisible to your customers, and they simply receive an extremely professional call experience.

However, when you are considering answering services, you may want to go a step further and set up a virtual office. This gives you even more choices beyond just an answering service. While you will get a virtual receptionist, you can also get a professional address for your company, as well as physical meeting space if you need it.

Multiple Benefits

One of the benefits of virtual offices is a professional business address. This is a great option, especially for a small business, or if you work from home. Instead of having your business mail and packages sent to your home, you can have a professional address located in a respected business sector of the city. You can have all your post sent to your business address, and you can collect it when it is convenient for you. Some providers will even forward all your post on to another location for you if you desire. There are even professional staff members at the office location to sign for packages for you, so you don’t have to worry about missing any important deliveries.

Another available service is the option to hire a physical meeting room. If you work from home, or in a small office, you may need a place to meet with new clients, or hold a conference with multiple people. Instead of meeting at a loud coffee shop or trying to squeeze into the lobby of your office, you can schedule time at a beautiful, professional office space. The hiring is completed through the provider of your other virtual business services, so it’s easy and convenient to set up a physical meeting whenever you need to.

Making the Right Choice for Your Company

When you are considering which virtual services to add to your company, it’s important to think about which ones would benefit your company the most. It’s also good to work with your budget and find a virtual business provider that offers the services you need at a price your company can afford. You can talk with the virtual services provider about its terms of service, its prices and how the call answering works. If you want to have access to a physical business centre to meet clients or work at occasionally, you can ask to tour its location so you can see if it meets your needs. If you plan to go to the business centre frequently to pick up your post or meet clients, it’s a good idea to choose a location that is convenient for you.