Private Branch Exchange: A Major Plus In Business Communication

Private Branch Exchange is a telecommunication network that is utilized to provide telephone calls within and outside a business. The system is installed within the network and it connects to every phone line in the organization with easy input of phone numbers. A typical Private Branch Exchange would only require a 4-digit phone codes to… Continue reading Private Branch Exchange: A Major Plus In Business Communication

Common Misconceptions On Email Marketing

You may have received an email from a business entity at one time. They try to sell you their products and services with a letter explaining their benefits. This is email marketing. This marketing is no longer new. This has been around before social media marketing was widely used. However, this is now commonly dismissed… Continue reading Common Misconceptions On Email Marketing

Windows RT: The Fight Isn’t Over Yet

As we all know, Windows RT and Surface RT, together with Windows RT on several other platforms did fairly well despite Microsoft’s efforts. Nvidia’s Tegra processors, which run on Surface RT, were the latest collateral damage in Microsoft’s latest miss. When Windows and Surface RT were first launched, so many skeptics came forward like from… Continue reading Windows RT: The Fight Isn’t Over Yet

Categorized as Technology

The Pros and Cons Of Using Tablets In The Office

When the iPad first came out it was either dismissed as a toy, or begrudgingly given the status of add-on or secondary tool. It was flashy and gimmicky and all, but would never replace the PC or laptop when it comes down to doing some serious business work. However, a lot of businesses nowadays, especially… Continue reading The Pros and Cons Of Using Tablets In The Office

Start-ups and The Creation Of Workforce Skills

While companies in the past just had to deal with brick-and-mortar business and retail practices and the training of their employees along such practices, a whole lot of changes have overcome industries with the huge shifts in technology in recent years. Furthermore, whatever changes the many upheavals in business technologies have brought about have also… Continue reading Start-ups and The Creation Of Workforce Skills

Categorized as Technology

How Not To Let Technology Dictate You

As a business owner, you may feel excited whenever new technology is introduced in the marketplace. But the influx of new gadgets may keep you lost, confused, or unable to keep up with the latest trends. You may feel overwhelmed by the 21st century that you wish for simpler, less complicated times. It’s true that… Continue reading How Not To Let Technology Dictate You

Communication Milestones

Before, businesses were easy to start up, challenging to maintain, and downright difficult to expand. When a company starts to grow and open up branches in different locations, it encounters a lot of problems, the biggest one being communication. Consistency in service delivered and response time were two major areas of concern because of distance… Continue reading Communication Milestones

Categorized as Technology

The Basics Of Updates and Upgrades

Programmers and software developers are everywhere these days and they do make work easier for most people. The applications and programs they create make work not only bearable, but they have become some sort of fun and enjoyable, too. Every industry and job position we currently have makes use of programs and software that are… Continue reading The Basics Of Updates and Upgrades