Professional Handyman: How To Make Your Hobby Into A Career

If you’re good with tools and are able to fix things around the house, then you may have a great career waiting for you as a handyman. It’s a rewarding field because you can help people get their homes in order. Taking it from a hobby to a business can seem like a daunting task,… Continue reading Professional Handyman: How To Make Your Hobby Into A Career

6 Technologies That Can Enhance A Student’s Learning Experience

Technology has changed the way we do many things compared to 20 years ago, when most of the world was first introduced to the Internet. The way students learn has been greatly impacted by widespread access to the internet and the evolution of computers and other electronic devices. The following six technologies have enhanced the… Continue reading 6 Technologies That Can Enhance A Student’s Learning Experience

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College Education: 6 Hints For Deciding Which Field You Should Study

Making the decision to obtain a college education is an accomplishment in itself. However, once you are enrolled and begin to register for classes, you’ll soon see that picking out a major and a field can make the experience even more enriching. Below is a brief list of six common career fields you might choose.… Continue reading College Education: 6 Hints For Deciding Which Field You Should Study

5 Sustainable Ways To Sustain Your Career

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists “sustainability” as one of the top careers in coming years. As saving the planet becomes an increasing focus for individuals and organizations, the potential impact of choosing a sustainable career spans social, economic, energy, and environmental fields. There are many different ways that you can make your career… Continue reading 5 Sustainable Ways To Sustain Your Career