College Grades: When the Informal Appeal Process Doesn’t Work!

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Sometimes instructors can be stubborn and you need to take further action. In such cases, pulling out the big guns becomes necessary. If you have written agreement that you prepared in advance, now it is time to file it. With that carefully prepared document in hand, you should now approach the Area Chair and ask… Continue reading College Grades: When the Informal Appeal Process Doesn’t Work!

Why Our Audit Firms In Top Ten In UAE

Audit Firms in Top Ten in UAE

What is an Audit? The audit is basically the inspection of the accounts of the organization. What actually happens in the audit is that the accounts of the organizations are inspected by the independent bodies. This is done in order to check if the organization is paying their taxes on time or not. The conduction… Continue reading Why Our Audit Firms In Top Ten In UAE

The Value of Research

In the world of business, the most important currency is data. Running a business means a constant string of decisions, often made under times pressure and with high stakes. All too often you don’t have important information. You’re making these life and death decisions, with not just your own success but other people’s livelihoods resting… Continue reading The Value of Research

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Why Work-Life Balance Is So Crucial for You and Your Employees

If you’re tired of hearing about work-life balance constantly, take a deep breath and realize you need a little yourself. Work-life balance is hard for entrepreneurs. You are either the boss of an existing company ready for expansion or starting a new venture. Either way, you cannot work 24/7, and neither can your employees for… Continue reading Why Work-Life Balance Is So Crucial for You and Your Employees

Categorized as Business

Resume Blunders

Resumes are designed to tell a story…a very important story; the story of your life. A resume is perhaps the most important story ever reduced to paper for most people. Many lives can be affected by a person’s resume and for that reason alone, they should be the most proof-read article printed. A resume will… Continue reading Resume Blunders

Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Paradigm in Java

Object Oriented Programming is a paradigm approach which includes the concept of objects to represent the real world entities. Users can create and manipulate these objects to achieve the desired outcome from the program. Simula is considered as the first language to follow the OOPs approach. The primary objective of oops is to take advantages… Continue reading Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Paradigm in Java

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