Are Children Ready To Own A Tablet?

The popularity of tablets such as the iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab has not only caught the attention of gadget loving adults but children as well. Children as young as 4 years old want to tinker with their parents’ tablets. Some children can even easily install game apps, as well as use the device to watch movies and draw doodles in the iPad or Galaxy Tab. This generation is very comfortable with electronic technology, prompting most children to want a tablet of their very own.

Many parents are already buying tablets for their kids. One of the major reasons for this is that tablets allow them to download apps that can be beneficial for their young ones. There are apps, for example, that teach children to do math and read. Children can also watch videos and draw with their tablets. The iPad and the Galaxy Tab are also excellent handheld playthings. The kids can spend endless hours playing Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies on them.

While there are countless ways that owning a tablet can benefit children, many parents are still cautious about giving them their own touch screen devices. For one, these tablets do not come cheap. The iPad and the Galaxy Tab both cost more than $200 at the cheapest. For kids who do not know much about budgeting and finances, breaking or damaging their little toy can mean nothing but mean a huge loss to their parents.

If you have a young child who enjoys playing with your iPad but is not yet old and responsible enough to care for the expensive device, you can consider buying your child a starter tablet. These starter tablets are not as expensive as the iPad and the Galaxy tab and are made especially for young kids. You can put an end to your children borrowing your tablet endlessly by buying them their own touch screen tablet.

The Following are Some of The Starter Tablets That You Can Consider Giving to Your Child:

  • Leapfrog LeapPad2

With Leapfrog LeapPad2, you can use different games cartridges to give variation to your child’s experience with the device. It also features a front and rear built-in camera, as well as a touch screen interface that can be used with either a stylus or your child’s fingertips.

  • Winfu Kids Learning Pad

The Winfu Kids Learning Pad comes with 30 built-in activities including matching, music, and games. This device’s touch screen interface gives your child a feeling of having their own iPad. The Winfu Kids Learning Pad tablet is designed for children who are between the ages of three to seven.

  • VTechInno Tab

The VTechInno Tab has some great applications and features that your little one will surely love. The device has an MP3 and video player for entertainment, and an art studio intended for drawing. You can also upload eBooks for your young reader. With this starter tablet device, your child can also play learning games through an online portal.

  • Vinci Tab

The Vinci Tab is perhaps the ultimate tablet for your child. Even Mommy and Daddy can borrow the tablet once in a while to make business VoIP calls. It can also access Gmail and the Android market. However, these features cannot be easily used by your child without the parent’s consent since these features can only be accessed through a parent password-protected mode. Aside from this, the Vinci Tab has features that can serve as a powerful educational tool.

While these are all great toys that serve as substitutes for an actual tablet, do not forget to let your children enjoy the best part about being their age: playing outside.