8 Common Window Cleaning Mistakes

8 Common Window Cleaning Mistakes

Window cleaning is a task which is not easy to get right. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to get your windows looking streak free you can’t and have to settle for less than perfect results. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the best ways to clean your windows which makes it confusing. We will cover some of the most common mistakes that people make when they try and clean their windows. So hopefully next time you can achieve streak free windows. Although the best way to get your windows looking very clean is to call in a professional team such an Endeavour Property Services, who offer window cleaning in Auckland.

1. Cleaning in the wrong conditions

A common mistake people make is deciding to clean their windows when it is very sunny. This is because when the shines bright on windows you start to see all the imperfections on glass windows. Which makes you want to clean them there and then. Although it is not a good idea to clean windows in the strong sun as the cleaning solution dries too fast to get streak free windows.  Although it is also not good to wash windows when it is raining or forecast to rain. As rain water is full of dirt and grime which will make your windows streaky. We recommend waiting to clean your windows until it is overcast or late afternoon, this is how you will see the best results.

2. Using newspaper or paper towels

It is an old myth that the best way to clean your windows and make them streak free is to use paper towels or newspaper.  But this is not the case, the best thing to clean windows with is a microfiber cleaning cloth designed for use on glass. As newspapers have ink on them which can smear and streak when wet and cause your windows to become streakier. Although using paper towels is not very effective either as the fibres in paper towels easy come apart when used wet. This causes little parts of paper fibre to come off on the glasses surface. A microfiber cloth is the best option as it is not only absorbent, but it helps to get a streak free finish easily.

3. Using tap water

Not many people understand the importable of using filtered water when cleaning windows. As water from the tab has impurities which may make your windows not look s clean.

4. Using too much pressure

Many people make the mistake of using too much pressure when cleaning their windows. This is not only dangerous due to the fragile nature of windows. But it is unnecessary as if you have the right tools the job does not involve any harsh scrubbing. People often also use brushes and abrasive clothes when removing built up dirt and grime from windows. This is dangerous as abrasives can easily cause scratches and damage to your windows glass.

5. Not working in sections

When cleaning windows people often try to clean large windows all at once. But it is much better to clean the windows in small sections otherwise the solutions will dry before you are able to properly clean and leave a greasy film on your windows. When cleaning windows you need to be quite methodical, work from top to bottom to ensure you do not drip dirty water on already cleaned parts of window.

6. Not pre-cleaning

Many people rush into cleaning windows and start with a spray bottle and squeegee straight away. When in reality you need to do a pre-rinse with a soapy detergent to loosen any stuck-on grease and grime. Also depending on the level of dirtiness sometimes you need to scrub gently with a soft brush or cloth.

7. Using too much cleaning products

Many people think when cleaning that using more cleaning products will make for a better result. Although this is not the case, especially when it comes to window cleaning. As when using too much window cleaning products you can cause a film to form on the glass which has a greasy look. It is always best to follow the instructions on the cleaning products packaging, for the best cleaning results and to save money on expensive cleaning products.

8. Not calling in the professionals

When it comes to window cleaning sometimes it is just best to leave the job to the professionals. As they are able to carry it out in a much shorter time due to having all the training and proper equipment. Not only are they more efficient at carrying out the job, they also guarantee a streak-free finish every time. It is also much safer to call in professionals as window cleaning can be dangerous, because sometimes it involves working at heights on ladders, plus working with glass is always dangerous as it can be brittle or fragile.