5 Top Tips For Assessing Reclaimed Wood

The appeal of upcycled and recycled products is rapidly increasing as the devastating impact of industrialization is discovered. The process of turning old materials and objects into new ones is both enjoyable and environmentally friendly. As the cost of raw materials rises, it makes more sense to reuse what we already have.

Timber is an ideal place to start. There are many places where you can get your hands on used timber, including recycling centers, free ads, refuse centers and your own neighbors.

However, not all wood is suitable for upcycling, and some options will be much better for your projects than others. Here are five top tips for assessing which reclaimed wood you should use for your project.

Avoid wet wood

Wet wood, especially wood in piles, can begin to rot quickly. According to the BBC Nature page, wood rots quickly when it is in piles in shady areas. Fungi, beetles, and bacteria soon take up residence.

This type of wood is best avoided for your project. It is okay to have some cracks and splits, but the integrity of the piece should be intact to make sure your project has structural strength.

Choose a strong piece

When you are looking around a refuse center or a reclamation yard in Ireland, make sure that you select a stable piece. Vintage timber products were often made from older trees that had a tighter grain. This is both attractive and strong. However, the wood can become damaged over time. Make sure that it is in good condition and is not moldy or infested with wood-eating insects.

Use a reputable supplier

Getting your wood from a refuse center or a neighbor may seem like a good idea, but you might get a poor-quality piece. It is best to source your old timber from a reputable supplier such as http://www.wilsonsyard.com/products/bathrooms/baths-new-cast-iron.html, who take care to ensure that only the best timber items are on sale.

Safety first

Reclaimed wood could have lead paint on its surface, and this presents a risk to health if you try to remove it with a sander. Always use a sander with a HEPA filter and wear an appropriate mask. Children and pets should be kept away.

It must be gorgeous!

If it isn’t going to make a stunning piece of upcycled art or furniture, don’t bother!