5 Tips For Locating A Corporate Training Programme

5 Tips For Locating A Corporate Training Programme

For companies looking for new talent, one of the benefits many potential employees are looking for is additional training opportunities. They know that in order to stay informed about their industry, they need to stay up to date with changes in the law or best practices within their industry. If you want to provide corporate training as a benefit to your employees, here are some tips for choosing the right programme.

Find Out Experience

In order to make additional training worth your investment, you need to find out if the training vendors are accredited and what type of experience they offer. By going onto the vendors’ websites, you should be able to find out how long they have offered corporate training courses, who some of their clients are, and information on their accreditation. If your business is in the London area, this is one of the training vendors you may wish to consider: http://www.lct.co.uk/.

Review Course Offerings

If you want to provide your employees training so they are eligible for promotions within your company, you have to find a training programme that provides management training. Since most of your employees will have advanced degrees, they need to be trained on management responsibilities within your industry. Some programmes address the needs of specific industries, while others provide general courses, so you should study curricula carefully to find the one that best fits your company’s needs.

Ask About Customised Training

When you have created a list of corporate training vendors in your area, you should find out if the vendors are willing to create custom programmes for your business. Some programme providers will work closely with your company to assess your employees’ skill levels, so the courses address any gaps that exist to better prepare them for a management position. Customised training can also prepare your company’s leaders to take on challenges like business expansion in a different country.

Check Course Schedule

A training programme doesn’t necessarily need to take several weeks to complete. You should check to see if the vendors on your list offer training seminars or intensive training so courses can be completed quickly. Even though your employees may want more training, they don’t want all their time taken up by attending class. In addition, you will want to find out if you can offer classes after business hours to prevent losses in productivity.

Ask About International Students

If you conduct business overseas, you may need to bring in employees from your offices in other locations to attend training in London. Ask training vendors about their abilities to train international students and about accommodations they recommend. While the accommodations may not be included in the price of the courses, they usually have hotels they work with to provide discounts to training clients.

When taking the time to research training vendors in your area, you should find one that meets your company’s needs by following these tips. If their selection of courses doesn’t meet your needs, consider asking about customized training packages.