5 Things To Know Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

1. Reschedule your appointment if sunburned

The laser used for treatment reacts with skin pigments and the result might not be good for you. Hence, whenever you consult your doctor regarding laser skin treatment they too advise you to avoid walking under the sun to save yourself from sunburn. The situation becomes difficult to even for the doctors to treat people who are exposed to the sun a week or two before the laser hair removal treatment day.

On the safe side, if you love to walk on the beach and can’t resist yourself, look for treatment in winters. Also, if you’re aware that you’re sunburned or have even a small doubt about it, reschedule your appointment.

2. Don’t wax your hair before treatment

If you’re planning to wax before treatment, wait! This can be the biggest mistake you might commit. If you aren’t aware of it here it is, laser treatment are focused on the hair follicles. And the root of the hair must be present in the follicle for the laser to identify and treat it. But, if you wax your hair the root will disappear and the laser treatment will turn into a waste.

For better results, you can shave your hair with a sharp razor.

3. Make sure a product free skin

On the day of the treatment, make sure your body is product free. YES, product free! Not even your regular moisturizer is allowed on the day you’re scheduled to get the treatment. Skip all your makeup, skin deodorants, moisturizers, fairness creams and blah blah blah…..

In addition, the same restrictions pertain after your treatment for at least 24 hours. You can use the recommended products that are advised by the doctor, but only that.

4. Feel free with your doctor

For all cosmetic treatment which puts your skin at risk with a possibility of scarring you for life, you would like to be in safe hands. Not all cosmetic surgeons are good at it, some are not even qualified, or some are amateurs. Laser skin treatment, if went wrong can leave incurable marks on your skin. Thus, choose the right doctor. And, along with that, be open about everything which is associated with your doctor, be it about your previous treatment or any ongoing medication.

5. Keep your expectations practical

Laser hair removal treatment is effective but even it has its limitations. Laser treatment might take more than three to four sessions to deliver exceptional results. However, the results might not satisfy you if you keep them high. No clinic can claim 100 percent hair removal, if they do so, they are just faking it.